Top 10 Outfits of June
Happy Friday everyone! On my last blog I was talking about how we were going to be working in the yards and boy did we! And as a result, I ended up with an excruciating heat headache for a couple of days. Good news is Barry, Raegan, and Brooklyn really worked together to get everything finished! This has been a project we have toyed with for a few months now. I was so proud of these guys and what they accomplished over the past few days.
I missed out sharing the Top 10 Outfits of June, so I’m sharing it today. I have more posts coming on how to style items a few different ways also. These outfits ranked the highest on the blog and all social media. I was so surprised to see how the outfit below just took off on Pinterest! If you would like to follow along on Pinterest click HERE. To see outfit details or to read the post click on the header or the picture.
#1 Striped Tee with Cardigan
#2 Fray Hem Cropped Jeans + Gingham
#3 Crown & Ivy Shorts + Cardigan
#4 Denim Jacket With White Cropped Jeans
#5 Styling Navy Cropped Pants
#6 Striped Tee with Chambray Shirt and Twill Shorts
#7 Casual Workwear Outfit
#8 Styling Polka Dot Wide Leg Pants
#9 Crown & Ivy Paisley Skort
#10 Paperbag Shorts With Pink Cardigan
What are your favorites ladies?
Thanks for stopping by the blog and I hope you have a wonderful day! We are totally revamping my home office today, I will be posting pics when we get through decorating. I have a few more items that will be delivered next week. Oh, for the time being, we have decided to hold off on looking for a new house, I have wrestled with this so much! I cannot get a lump out of my gut, so I have decided to stay here and give this house a little facelift. I’m really not sure if Barry is excited about the additions I want to make or hiding his fear behind a slight smile HAHA! As we start our add-ons I will be sure to post before and after pictures – my mind is exploding with ideas…maybe that is what Barry is scared of HA! See you tomorrow on the blog girls!!
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Good morning and oh my….my first thought when I read that you were doing all that yard work AND you were revamping your home office today is that you would get all this finished and love the changes you made and then have made an offer on a house and have to move!!!!!! I’m so excited that you will show us before and after photos as I’d love to see the yard work you’ve been working so hard on. I’m so glad you are feeling better. Too bad the
weather had to be so hot when you were working on your project. It is not even possible to pick a favorite out of these top outfits so I can see why they were favorites with many. I still have want to do with my pink gingham blouse and pink tank what you did with your black one. I still hope you went back for those brown polka dot wide leg pants since they look SO good on you. I was in a store yesterday to return things and I saw just a few Fall items starting to hit the racks…I guess it is July and summer is half over(if you go by school calendar). I will anxiously await the revel of your home office make-over. That is so exciting and I’m happy that you have made your decision as to move or stay because that will take some of the stress off. And…if you have ideas exploding in your head for remodeling, I think all along it was going to be hard for you to leave as you knew what you could do with the house you were at and be able to stay put. Barry will be happy with it too when it’s all done.
You said it perfect Sandy!! That’s exactly how I have felt. I bought this house and totally transformed about 12 years ago and now I have all these ideas lol! I did start looking at whitewashing my cabinets. I want to brighten up the house some so I know we will be busy for the next year and the bad thing is, if I get an idea…I am totally focused on it until I get it finished. Hence the horrible headache this week. I have got to learn that I am not as young as I once was HAHA!!!I will start taking pictures and as soon as my office area is complete I will post about it. I love sharing this stuff with you girls!! Happy Friday!!!! Oh, I ordered the polka dot pants this week because they sold out at our local Cato the day I posted the pictures on their FB page!!
Kelly Palmer
Good morning and happy Friyay!! I am so glad that you and I both are feeling better 😉 We need to remember that we are not as young anymore and it can be dangerous working too hard out in this heat and humidity. I tried to pick my top 3 outfits but could only narrow it down to 4. My top 4 favorites are numbers 1, 4,8 and 9. Although, you look wonderful in all of them! I am so happy and excited for you that you will be doing decorating and renovations on your present house!! I can’t wait to see pictures of the yard work and office pictures!! Yesterday, Troy and I had a wonderful day together and went furniture hunting for our bonus room. Our 2 daughters and 5 of our grandchildren will be coming for a visit at the end of July. We have been trying to decide whether to get bunk beds, daybeds with trundle or sleeper sofas to use in the bonus room for when company comes. We ended up ordering 2 sleeper sofas that have a pull out queen size bed and a cocktail ottoman. This will give us a room that we can relax and watch tv in without the dogs or my mother in law when there are no guests 🙂 It will be a year on July 29th since we moved in here and it will take a while for us to fill this home with furniture and to do outside projects since we are working on it a bit at a time. I think today we will be working on dismantling the back deck but at least I will have Troy’s help this time. Have a wonderful day!!
You sound so much like me, it really is scary!! LOL!! I am too attached this house I think LOL!! I am excited to start on my new office, I have a section in a room, but I am taking a sitting area and making it my “own” now. We are putting in a fence in the backyard and setting up another patio beside the garage. We have a window in the garage and we are going to bust that out and put a door there. I want to push our porch out and add a gable to the front of the house too! I have so many ideas rolling around in my head ha!! That one house that I LOVED was sitting right next to a big river running through our state. That bothered me a lot and the thought about snakes…you know I don’t like snakes HA!! Barry loved the house too, but I think the houses were a but too close for his liking. Other than those things, we would have purchased the house…cause it was gorgeous!! But, I got some ideas of my own from looking at other homes.
This heat has really been something else, it is a lot cooler today and I am feeling great! I am so glad you are feeling better!! You and Sandy were checking up on me…I love you girls!!! lol Happy Friday!!!
Hi. Number 6&7 are my favorites. Although they are all great looks. I have to tell you that a huge black snake was on my porch other day. I walked right by it before I noticed it. Talk about freaking out! I screamed for my husband and ran completely around other side of house. My husband just laughed and said “it won’t hurt you. They keep bad snakes away”. Well I didn’t care if that was true or not. A snake is a snake is a 🐍. Yuck! I thought if you and your snake story and had to share. 😂. Have great weekend.
Lol!! It makes me cringe thinking about snakes. I still walk through the garage and wonder where that snake went. At least mine was about 12 inches, I’d die if I saw one bigger than that. Yikes!!!! And congrats on being a new grandma ❤️❤️