Loose or Tight Curls- I Got You Covered
Happy Hump Day ladies!! It has been one busy little week for me so far. I just got off a Zoom call with Tania from 50 Is Not Old and some other teammates for Rodan + Fields; I can honestly say – I LOVE my weekly calls with these ladies. They are so funny and it’s just like sitting around your kitchen table talking to a bunch of your girlfriends.
You know that we are getting ready for our big event Friday night, so hopefully, I will get pics up (maybe some videos) Saturday morning – Sunday at the latest. If you are in North Carolina and near Dunn, NC – come on out and have a great time with us. We would love to meet you and shop for clothes and skincare! Not to mention we are doing Giveaways!
Blog Giveaway!
Since a lot of you can’t come out, I thought I would give away a jar of the Microdermabrasion Paste! Comment anything on this post – even if it’s a “Hey Girl, What’s up?”, I will enter your name in for the drawing. If you are thinking about using R+F products and become a Preferred Customer ( to be a PC, your order needs to be at least $80), I will enter your name 3 times more. If you are already a PC with someone else, shout out their name and I will enter you in 2 more times! Everyone can have double chances to win! I will announce the winner Sunday in the Coffee & Girl talk post! The Microdermabrasion Paste is $83.00 retail – so it’s a nice little prize to win!!
Since we are a little busy this week and I have some great new outfits coming tomorrow and over the weekend, I am going to share with you how I curl my hair today. I have been asked a lot through emails here lately how I get loose and tighter curls. I thought it would be easier to combine a post for you girls that are interested in curling your hair.
It’s all in the way you hold your barrel. if you want loose curls – roll your hair horizontal with at least a 1-inch barrel. If you want tighter curls, use any wand or curling iron that is smaller than a 1-inch and hold it vertical.
The above picture was taken last August (I believe) and my hair was in long layers. If you have layers in your hair, it helps give more volume and bounce to your curl. If you are curious how I curl it horizontally, check out the video below. Just so you know, I am no professional with videos – but I am learning. My little YouTube channel is something I plan to work on more through the Summer. I’m a newbie, but everyone starts somewhere LOL!
I wanted to post variations of the curls and volume you can get. In the first 2 pictures, I curled it with a 1-inch barrel. In the 3rd picture, I curled in with a 1 1/2 inch barrel. The 3rd picture really just has waves in it – not much curl. If you have shorter hair and want some wave in your hair – a barrel that is 3/4 inch will give you waves. If you want bouncy waves, then hold your barrel horizontally like I am in the video, it gives your roots volume plus your waves will be flowy. Like beach waves!
To get tighter curls, check out this video below. My curling wands and irons have changed over the years, but I must admit, my all-time favorite wand is the T3 SinglePass Curl Professional Tapered Ceramic Styling Wand. If you want a good wand or iron that you will have for years and years, then I suggest this one. I have tried so many, and this one ranks top, then the Hot Tools 2 Inch Salon Curling Iron / Wand Ceramic Ti Tourmaline. This is a much cheaper option, but not as good as the T3. When curling your hair, unless you have very coarse hair – do not ever heat your iron higher than 400 degrees. I would suggest 350 degrees, you do not want to burn your hair or fry the ends. Hotter does not mean better and it does not mean the curl will last longer. It means you are burning your hair! Just like clothes – it takes denim a lot longer to burn with an iron than a cotton t-shirt or a silk blouse. Our hair is just like clothes – some
Growing bangs out? Here are a few “go to’s” that I use when I’m in bang transition! Or sometimes simply because it’s hot and I don’t want my bangs in my face!
I hope this helps those that were asking and as always thanks for stopping by the blog. I will be styling hot pink sandals tomorrow, so be sure to stop back by!! Have a great day ladies and good luck with the Giveaway!!!
Sale Alert!!
I LOVE this Boho Top from Umgee! I got this last summer and to my surprise, they are carrying it again this season. This bells sleeve top is so cute! I wore this with jeans, shorts and dress pants. I wanted to share it with you really quick! Last Summer it was $49.99, but they have dropped the price right now to $19.99!! Get the top HERE.
Be sure to follow along on Pinterest, Facebook, or my favorite –Instagram!!
Be sure to Subscribe to the blog if you haven’t (Subscribe to get email updates ) and please share any pictures you like on Pinterest. A red “P” should pop up in the corner of any pictures and you can pin them to your fashion boards. Thank you again for stopping by and hope you all have a safe and wonderful day! And… Be sure to tell a friend about the blog!! Thank you all for following along on this journey with me
This post contains affiliate links. When you shop through my links, it helps support my business (at no additional cost to you) so thank you!

Donna Cress
I would love to try Rodan+Fields, thanks for they chance. By the way, I love your blog!
Thanks Donna!!! Good luck!!! Glad that you like the blog ❤️
Sharon Roberts
Your hair is always beautiful… thank you!!
Awe Sharon-thank you!!!! You are the sweetest!!!!
Tammy GRavis
Hey Girl, What’s up?
😂I love you -you’re so funny!!! Good luck!!
Love your post today very pretty hair.
Thanks Daphne!!! Glad that you like the blog!!! Good luck!
Cindy Hale
Loving your posts 🙂
Thanks Cindy!!! Glad you like the blog!! Good luck in the drawing!!
Joy Bassett
Love your hair and fashion tips! I’m a PC with Jena Forrester.
Awe!! Thank you so much!! I don’t wear it down much lol. Good luck with the drawing!!!
Tania Stephens and she introduced your blog to me. I only subscribe to 2, yours and hers! Love you both! Wish I lived close enough to come to your event!
Awe!! I wish you were too!!! Thanks for your comment and I’m so glad you like the blog!!! Good luck!!!
Hey Girlie! I am a PC with Tania Stephens.
Thanks!!! Don’t you just love her?? I want to be her when I grow up lol. Thanks for the comment and good luck!
Jen Rowe
Hey! you are my #Hairgoals! Have not tried R&D yet, hoping to get the chance!
I giggled when I read your comment!! I don’t wear it down much, but I love to curl it!! Lol. Hope you start with R+F, I will be happy to help you anyway I can!! Thanks for following the blog and have a great day!! Oh-Good Luck!!!
Hey girl, what’s up? I hope you’ve had a great day. I’m a little late getting here as I left early to drive to meet a friend for lunch and shopping so it’s been a long day and I still have Lenten services at church tonight. Your hair is adorable whether it is up or down. Wish mine was long enough to make the curls but….I may be able to use some of your tips for my bangs and I’m excited to watch those again.
What’s up girl?? Lol. Wow! You’ve had a busy day!! You’re too sweet with the comments -I’m taking my Biotin to get my hair to grow a couple more inches. I cut 6 inches off and I wished I never did that. Have fun watching my raw videos lol. Good luck!!