Adding A Little Sass With Pink Sandals
Happy Thursday ladies! I’m so glad all of you joined in on the giveaway yesterday! Can’t wait to see who the winner is Sunday! Hope your week has been going well! I am doing pretty good on the FWTFL “diet” so far – I actually am eating more than I normally do and finding it hard to get all the food in. Who knew you could eat so much more if you ate more whole foods? I knew it – I just like that bad food HA! I dreamed of Oreos last night! HA HA!!
I got home from work today, was in the kitchen starting to cook dinner when one of the dogs was standing at the front door growling really low. I thought, “to be sure no one is here”, they must smell another dog from our neighborhood who has come up in our yard. This went on for what seemed 5 minutes when all of a sudden the door swung open! In walked Brooklyn!
I looked at her as she came in the kitchen and she was smiling so big – if she had chapstick on those lips it would have gotten on her ears! HA!! She had a little overnight bag in her hand and she just dropped it on the floor and said – I’m HERE! Barry and I are in dead silence for a moment – where is her daddy, her mom? Then she threw her little hands up and said again…”I’M HERE!!” Then we started jumping up and down and getting excited. We got a little visitor for a couple of hours – you know what was in the bag? A bunch of toys – enough for her to stay a month! She cracks me up! She is so bashful in front of others…but NOT us!! LOL!!! Dad came in shortly and mom came back after running errands. We are steady Freddy babysitters! LOL! I bet you guys are too!
The Outfit
I told you
I chose to pick a basic outfit and let the shoes do all the talking today! I have on the Elbow Sleeve Tee from The Loft, I checked these online and they are low in stock. If you can snag your size up, they are only $19.99, they are having a sale of 30% off and get an extra 10% off with code HAPPY online! I have given you girl some other options below for cute black tops that would look great with white denim jeans, or white dress pants.
I love the look of a pretty black top paired with white bottoms, whether its jeans or dress pants. It has a clean and chic look to it. You can never go wrong with this color combo and adding a shoe that has its own personality is a win/win! I think JustFab has some prints that are floral with pink in it that are really cute! Click HERE to get to the pink sandals and see additional prints.
White jeans are a perfect pant for Spring and Summer, the color is so crisp and clean it looks great with almost anything! T
For my handbag today, I decided to go neutral with the Circle Clutch from JustFab. I’ve looked circle clutches everywhere, but they were an outrageous price. I got this one for only $29.95! I like to keep a neutral clutch for date nights, going to church or attending an event. This one has a leopard print on the inside and has just enough room for my necessities!
I wanted a bold earring and I found just what I was looking for with the MUD PIE RAFFIA TASSEL EARRING! These aren’t heavy and they are a great statement piece! These are only $17.00 on Amazon, they are more on the Mud Pie website. They come in white and red also – you will love these if you decide to grab them up. Some of you have shorter hair and these would look so cute on – the red is not a bold red. It’s almost an orangy red (kind of like a coral)…just want to make sure I tell you girls that – it’s not a true red!
OK ladies, I am headed out to work! I hope you have a wonderful day and I hope you liked today’s outfit! I got a cute blush outfit coming soon!! Thanks for stopping by and see you tomorrow on the blog!
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We are 2 1/4 hours away from our two grandkids so we are not close enough to be steady freddie babysitters(insert sad face here). I’ll never know what it’s like to have them show up unexpectedly at the front door just to spend a couple of hours as all our visits are planned since they live so far away(insert another sad face)…you are lucky grandparents indeed. We will be getting ours on Saturday to bring them to the farm to spend 3 days with us. (insert happy face and dance here) Ok…on a happy note…I love the pop of pink color added to your outfit; makes a whole new look. And your hair is so cute pulled up like that. By the way, your hair videos were not raw…they were great!! Thank you for the tip on how to roll a cuff; mine always seem uneven. I will try the thumb trick.
I know it must be tough being so far away from your grandkids. Lord-I couldn’t imagine not seeing Brooklyn everyday. I love the pink too!! And do use the thumb trick lol And thanks for watching the videos -I’m still learning lol
Well, I may need those pink shoes!
Well., I may need those pink sandals!
Girl, I’m just saying…I love them!HA!! They will be cute with denim, long dresses, and khaki pants too!
Amy Christensen
Aren’t grand kids wonderful! They come up with the cutest ideas, and we are blessed to have them close by, because, who knows what the future will bring. Love your outfit! I don’t do sandals very often, as I have very bad varicose veins, but I could definitely see the same idea with a pair of pink flats or tennies. Thanks for the inspiration! – Amy
I thought the same thing, so I threw some mules in the STL. I have never had pink shoes before – I LIKE them LOL!! And you are so right about the grandkids!! I love having her so close!! She’s a rotten mess! LOL
Kelly Palmer
I am so happy for you that you have your precious Brooklyn so close by! My gands are all about 9 hours away from me in south Florida so I don’t get to see them near as much as I would like. When my oldest daughter and her family arrived here on Saturday I was at work so when I arrived home from work my 2 grand daughters both ran out to greet me and give me a huge hug and kisses. There is nothing better!! That is why I haven’t been online as much as usual cause I am soaking up every precious moment that I can with them. I like the hot pink shoes and thanks so much for the tip on how to cuff the jeans. I hope you are having a great week 🙂
AWE!! That is so sweet that your grands did that! They love you and miss you! Nothing better than when they wrap their little arms around you. Reminds me of when my kids were small. I don’t get hugs anymore LOL Have a great day Kelly! Enjoy those babies!!
Tammy GRavis
Are the earrings good quality? Seriously debating those they are super cute and mudd pie. Thanks
Yes!!! They are really nice earrings!!