Chenille: This Super Soft Baby Is Making a Comeback
I’ve been told since I was a small girl that everything comes back in style. Well, my Mom certainly wasn’t lying when she told me to hold on to all the trendy clothes I would buy!! Although, I haven’t seen poodle skirts make a hug reentry…except on Halloween (secretly, I wish the 50’s style would make a HUGE comeback). Anyway,…
How to Rock Leather Leggings After 40
It’s been many years since I’ve worn leather pants, but I recently came across some luxurious, faux leather leggings that got me thinking, “Could I, should I, wear black leather leggings even though I’m almost 50?” Well, it didn’t take long for me to answer that question with a – Heck YEAH!! Why not?? But, I have to be careful on…