Sherpa and Distressed Denim
Happy Hump Day! This is going to be a fairly short post. I have a sick child (again), and she has passed her cold right on to Mom. So I am not feeling the best, hence – I missed yesterday’s post. I did make it to Walmart and pick up all kinds of medicine and Lysol plus a mask for her. You would think as much as I have sprayed Lysol, I would not have caught anything.
Raegan did let me in on her secret of how she thinks I got sick. She quietly and humbly said, “Mom, I drank your soda/drink/pop the other day cause I was really thirsty and I didn’t tell you. Well, there ya go! I’m shaking my head as I write this – you gotta love our kids! ( I love her. but… lol)
What do you call what you are drinking? Is it soda, drink, pop, or something else?
I wore this cute Sherpa Pullover that I picked up from Walmart at Christmas and had to share it. I have been wearing it quite a bit and if you live in a colder area, sherpa is your friend! I checked Walmart online and did not find these, they were very low in stock at my local store. I did find some similar and linked them in the widget below.
The wind was really BAD this day, so I only got a few pics. I wear sherpa pullovers often when it starts getting colder. I wear a turtleneck, like this one, underneath when we go to the mountains or are in a really chilly area. Mostly I style a pullover like this one with joggers and sneakers. You girls know that sneakers are having a major moment right now and will be super trendy in the Spring and Summer. See a similar sherpa pullover here!
With the wind blowing as hard as it was, I gave up and headed back home. I would have shared the outtakes, but Lord…I barely could look at them myself HAHA!!
My jeans are distressed Levi’s 711, you can see them here, these look distressed at times, but at times, you can barely see any skin showing. I am linking distressed black jeans and some of my favorite black jeans in the widget below for you girls that aren’t into the distressed look. These fit TTS, I am wearing a size 29 (size 8) if you want them looser, size up one size. See them here.
I have been wearing these Scoop Black Boots a lot and I LOVE them. They wear so comfortably and since it has gotten cooler, they are perfect for keeping my feet warm. These are not shiny boots, we have a light shining on them so you can see them better, they are a dull black with a slight shine. These are getting limited in sizes, so grab yours now. They are only $20 and well worth that price! See them here. It seems my feet are staying colder as I get older, anyone else having that issue? Is that getting older or a part of menopause?
Sale Alert
This dress has been so popular on the liketoknow.it app and it is on sale right now for $18! This fits TTS, I am wearing a medium, but fits kind of snug, you may want to size up if you don’t like it “fitting”. You can follow along by downloading the app and following me here to see my daily looks and all the cute items I find that are on sale. From clothing, hair products, accessories, to home decor – all the items we ladies love! In this app, you can see the picture and all the items are grouped together so you can see it all in one place! See below at the screenshots I took.
Click the picture and it will take you to all the outfit details! This is perfect for Valentine’s Date Night!!
Thanks for stopping by the blog! I am off to see the doctor this morning, then I have to take Raegan this afternoon. So I have a full day ahead! What are you girls up to? And the real question on my mind is – – How many of you love a sherpa vest, pullover or coat? Am I the only one???
Have a blessed day!
Are you following along on Instagram and Facebook to get behind the scenes videos, daily outfits, and of course family pictures? My goal is to hit 10K followers on Instagram and 30K followers on Facebook this year! Help a sister out!! LOL!!
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Proverbs 31:25
“She is clothed in strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future…”

Oh goodness Beverly…. another germ fumigation to be done in your household today 😷. I pray you girls get better and the guys don’t get it. Soft drinks is what I have always called sodas, etc. I know…how do ya get “soft” out of a drink? There is nothing soft about it🤣. Anyway, the Sherpa is definitely warm and cozy. Thank you for sharing the App with us. The red dress looks great on you. I still can’t believe you wear a size 8 in those jeans. You look like a size 4. I hope you get a nice nap later. ~Lisa~
We call them drinks in NC, except for tea lol. I love Sherpa but have never styled it on the blog, so I thought I would give it a go lol. I’m feeling much better but Raegan is having a hard time getting rid of it. Sighh!! I’m 5’8 so I look smaller than I really am 😂😂 The height helps give the illusion of being smaller ❤️Have a great day!! Thank you so much!!!
Oh goodness…you have had your share of colds/flu etc. this winter. Even with all the cold weather we are having here, the flu is quite heavy in our area also but we have managed to escape it so far. I have one two toned serpa and yes, I like it. No distressed jeans though 😉 I like the serpa you have on as the trim is pretty on it. I call it “pop”. Funny how different areas refer to drinks or food differently. It’s like we call them taverns and a lot of people call them sloppy joes or loose meat sandwiches!! Feel better.
It is crazy how different areas call things different. I love hearing this stuff! I think Raegan had a set back when she went in her weekend trip. I’m feeling better today, I’m using Airborne like crazy ha!! Isn’t Sherpa so comfy!! I like them big and comfy when I buy them. Have a great day young lady!! I can tell I’m slowly going towards no hole distressed jeans. I like them better. Must be my age-I’m not feeling the holes so much anymore. Stay warm today!!!❤️❤️
Kelly Palmer
Good morning! Boy is it cold here this morning, and I am so glad that I didn’t have to go out in it to go to work. So sorry to hear that you and Reagan are both sick again 🙁 Yesterday, I started to have a clear runny nose and am sneezing occasionally but I feel fine. There is a lot of sickness going around in Georgia too right now. Troy is back to work and still on the mend. His mom is not feeling well and she is heading to the doctor this morning. I think her issue is a sinus infection that is causing her to have vertigo. Anyway, I have also called it soda. I only drink water, tea (usually ginger) and on occasion decaf coffee. I do buy something called Zevia which is a soda sweetened with only stevia and I get the ginger ale flavor. I love the sherpa but with 4 cats and 3 dogs I am afraid of spending the money on a piece of clothing that would probably become a pet hair magnet. I was thinking that the denim jacket with the sherpa collar would probably work better for me. I hope you all get to feeling better soon!! Oh, and thanks for the liketoknow.it app, awesome!
Vanita Hardy
Hi Beverly: I love anything Sherpa: coats, blankets & tops. They are so comfortable and warm and here in North Idaho it can get pretty COLD. My family always called it “pop”. Then when my now son-in-law was dating my daughter he always corrected me saying “it”s soda, not pop” LOL! So now we call it soda.LOL I love your blog. I pray you and your daughter start feeling stronger soon.
Have a blessed day!
Hey Vanita!! I have a friend that lives in Idaho and she is getting a lot of snow or was getting snow. We call sodas, drink, it’s so crazy how everyone calls it different things. Thanks so much for your comment and well wishes!! Thanks for following and I hope you have a fabulous day!! Everything Sherpa!! Lol😂❤️