Sunday Inspo + Top 5 of The Week

Happy Sunday morning! It seems our weekend was filled with nonstop activities and it was great! Every now and then it feels good to stay busy doing things, kind of makes me feel young again. Plus, I certainly sleep really well after a jam-packed day.

Last night I was able to have dinner with both my brothers, sister-in-law and my Mom. I’m close to my brothers, but it seems since our kids have grown up we don’t get together as much as we used to. When all the kids were smaller, we were together all the time and we vacationed together.

Both of my brothers and I – I think I was around 2 here. On our way to church on Easter Sunday.

Our last family vacation together was about 4 years ago, we all went skiing and tubing which was a great snow-filled weekend. Since then, the kids have gotten married, they have careers now, and some live far off – so we (the adults) are now getting together once a month for a night out and dinner.

As I was sitting at the table listening to all the talking, the laughing, the eating, it hit me how blessed I was. My family never argues, in fact, I do not think any of us have argued since we were in our 20’s and we are all now in our 50’s. A lot of families cannot say that. We have bickered, but no arguing.

Since this is the Month of Thankfulness, I would like to start this month off giving thanks for family. Many of us have lost our parents, siblings, children, grandparents or a spouse- losing a family member is the hardest trial we will go through. Life will not get better or go back to the way it was, we only learn a new normal.

The Bible says “…In all things give thanks”, how hard is that to do at times? Super hard! It is very hard to smile through the pain, and praise God through the lows of life. I have struggled through this at times, but I learned as the years went by that I could make it through those hard times with Him. I gained my strength from being on my knees in prayer. I learned to lean on God and thank Him for what I did have. I may have lost a husband, but I still had my kids. I lost a father at a young age, but I still had my Mom to guide me. I could keep going on, but my trials and tribulations are nothing compared to what others have gone through.

Each day this month I am going to find something to be thankful for. The small things and the big things, they all matter because they all bring some type of joy into my life.

Take the time this month to stop and be thankful for something, no matter how small or trivial. For there are people in this world far worse off than we are. Grateful, Thankful, and Blessed November!

Top 5 Faves of the Week

This seems to be a favorite among everyone, so let’s see what was hot this past week. There is nothing on the list that I don’t love, so let’s see if some of your favorites made the Top 5.

This week we had 3 items tie for the number 5 spot!

1. Lark & Ro Mock Neck Sweater Dress

2. Time and Tru Pullover Sweater

3. The Drop Alyssa Body-Con Dress

** Special Mention (Triple Tie With #5 Kaari Faux Leather Jacket)

4. Sam Edelman Michelle Ankle Boot

**Special Mention (Triple Tie With #5: The Dupe LV Handbag)

5. Dream Soft Cowl Neck Pullover

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  • Kelly Palmer

    I love the picture of you and your brothers. You were and still are so stinkin cute!! I am so happy for you that you had the chance to spend time with your brothers and mom. Both of my parents have passed (I am an only child), my children and grand children are in Florida and the rest of my friends and other family members are in Florida or N.H. so other than Troy and his mom I don’t really have anyone here. I absolutely treasure the times that I do get to spend with them and it always passes way too quickly. Funny that you would talk about bickering and arguing as Troy and I had one of those days yesterday. We argued about everything and felt so out of sync. It doesn’t happen very often, thank God because we are typically so close and laugh a lot so it really bothers us both when we do have those kind of days. I love the idea of thinking about something that we are thankful for each day this month. In fact I have decided to start doing that each day of the year and writing it down in my journal. The 5 favorites surprised me a bit as they did change. I have now looked for the Time and True sweater from Walmart in 2 different stores and they didn’t have my size. What size are you wearing in it? Well, time to start getting ready for church. It is 35 here right now with a high of 61 is the forecast for today and I am loving the cooler weather!! I know that I won’t win the contest of first snow but think that probably Sandy could 😉 Have a wonderful and very blessed day my friend!!

    • Sandy

      Kelly I had to chuckle. We have had just a few snow flurries but nothing measurable yet. I see you are down in our temps now too. Stay warm!

    • Beverly

      Hey Kelly!! Ok, I’m wearing a Medium in the sweater-it has plenty of room!! And it’s cozy! I cannot imagine living so far away from my family, I have a lot of friends who moved off and did their thing, but I stayed pretty close to home. Only one town over from my hometown. I was shocked at the Top 5 too, everything was pretty new. But- it’s Fall and blogs pick up A LOT in Fall. I noticed it stays busy on the blog till about June. June through mid August is kind of slow, I guess people are out enjoying the Summer.

      Have you ever heard of a Junk Journal? My mom is making them and I’m loving it!! It’s a great way to leave memories for your kids. She’s making me one for Christmas 🎄. I thought of you when I first saw it.

      Right now I’m using a regular women’s journal and I’m writing what I’m thankful for in it. It makes you sit and think a few days in. Boy I take things for granted at times. I’m learning just how blessed I have been 💕💕 Happy Sunday!!

  • Sandy

    Beverly I am so impressed that you get together with your siblings and Mom once a month. I doubt that happens in very many families…including mine. We were the same way in getting together all the time when our kids were small and now it just seems like everyone is so busy with their own families that we are lucky if it happens once a year that the WHOLE family gets together. Love the throw back photo of you and your brothers. I was surprised to see the two dresses in the top since you just had them on the blog! Wow…you found a couple good ones! I haven’t been to a Walmart to look for that sweater but if it’s in the top 5, I doubt many stores will have any left. I enjoy the top 5 segments!

    • Beverly

      We just started getting together like that and I’m glad we started it!! Girl…I was totally shocked that those dresses were such huge hits. Especially that black dress-Wow!! A lot of the Top 5 from last week was right behind the tops this week. It’s so fun checking out the analytics. You would need a Small or XS in that sweater. You never know what kind of stick they have in stores. The back stock is normally high. Happy Sunday!!❤️

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