A Typical Day: Golf Cart Wrecks to X-Rays
Happy Thursday everyone! I thought I would take a moment and catch everyone up on what’s been going on. It seems when I have great content that I can’t wait to share, something always is hindering it. From server issues to a neck that is totally whacked (the X-rays–oh my!), to the turning over of a golf cart. Read on for more…especially about the wreck!
Thank the Lord, all the server issues are now completely taken care of and the website should be working great and loading quickly. If you have any issues, please shoot me an email. You can get my email address in the Menu Bar and click on Contact Me and send me a heads up!

I headed to the chiropractor and after a very informative visit, I will be going to see her about twice a week for a few months. Hopefully, she can get my back and neck realigned and I will stop suffering from so much stiffness and pain. My neck is slightly curved to the right, which is causing the pain in my neck and down my right arm. The pain has gotten so intense I can barely dry my hair, so this was a must to see what was going on.
I had gotten home and within 10 minutes my husband got a call from the police letting us know that Raegan had gotten into a wreck with the golf cart. We live near a few steep hills that lead to a big river where you can canoe, tube, or fish – it’s a gorgeous spot and we go down quite a bit and it was near that area.
She was headed down to spend a little time at the river with 5 other friends and she overcorrected going down one of the steep hills inside a curve, hit the curve and the golf cart flipped over. All the kids were ok except for some road rash and some bumps and bruises, but thankfully everyone was ok. **May have looked something like this below…not sure.

The kids, Barry, and my son Chase had to push the golf cart home (about 1/2 mile) uphill. Barry tells me to get in and steer, so I took the easy job and hopped in. Halfway up the hill, I thought– I could help push and steer this with my right arm. Because I HAVE to be ADDING a lot of POUNDS to this and these kids are huffing and puffing pretty bad. The hill is STEEP! Really Steep!
So I hopped out, since we were moving at a snail’s pace, and started to help push. I heard one young man say, “Whew – this is so much lighter now”. HAHAHA! I died laughing, but I felt so bad for them at the same time. We got the golf cart home, got the kids back to where they should be, then we dealt with Rae Rae!

We’re going to have to fix the golf cart, but Lord am I glad no one was seriously hurt. I’ve heard of a lot of people getting hurt in golf cart accidents and I’m very thankful this ended where everyone was walking away.
So we were busy “handling” family issues and technical issues the past few days, but I wanted to stop in and let everyone know what was going on.
We are all on Social Media daily and everyone, well…most everyone tries to show a perfect life. But in reality, all of our lives have ups and downs, and we deal with it and move on. It’s a little reassuring to see that someone else is dealing with things and moving forward at times, it gives hope, and lets us know if they can make it – so can we! Check out tomorrow’s blog because a lot will be coming. I’ve got a lot of catching up to do now that we are able to upload pictures! Have a great day girls!! XOXO
Have a blessed day!
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Proverbs 31:25
“She is clothed in strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future…”

Kelly Palmer
Good afternoon! Wow, you guys have been through so much lately! I am so happy to hear that Raegan is ok and I hope that going to the Chiropractor will be of some help to you. I haven’t been to one in years but my parents and I used to go regularly when I was in my teen years. I also saw one on a regular basis years ago when I lived in Florida. I am looking forward to what you have in store for us next. 🙂 This morning I attended a new Grow Group with some ladies from our church and really enjoyed myself. After that I went to get my nails done so today has been pretty relaxing for me. I work tomorrow but then have the weekend off and I am hoping that since Troy and I are both feeling well that we can actually get something accomplished around here. Have a great day!
Thanks Kelly!! I’ve had a migraine like whoa this baby is bad. So I’m heading to the ER to get a shot now. Maybe the realignment is causing it. I don’t know but boy what a week huh? Geez!! Hope all is well at your house. Thanks for the prayers and I hope you have a wonderful day. We never know what life will throw our way —geez. It’s throwing hard and fast balls right now 😂
Oh goodness Beverly y’all can’t seem to catch a break. I’m glad Reagan is okay. BTW….she is gorgeous, just like her Mama. I had a couple of pinched nerves in my neck several years ago and I was in agony. My arm would go numb and tingle. I had to go to a chiropractor for a couple of months to get straightened out and it helped me a lot. Since I work at a desk with two computer screens, constantly looking back and forth between the two, having my head down while writing, and talking on the phone it can wreck havoc on my neck and shoulders. I have to really pay attention to my posture and also when I’m using the internet on my phone I have to hold my phone in front of my face and not keep my head down. I hope you get your neck straightened out. ~Lisa~
That’s some issues I’m having and I can tell a difference since she’s been working with me. But boy—I’ve had a migraine now since yesterday morning and it’s one of the worst I’ve had. Not sure if it has to do with any of this but I’m otw to get a shot. I guess this is real life lol. I have to laugh it off or cry one 😂. I’m going to laugh about it and keep trucking. Thanks for your comment!! So sweet and really touched my heart ❤️❤️