My Skin Is Sagging! What Do I Do??
As I’m starting the new year out, my skin is top on the list. As we get older we start dealing with sagging skin, fine lines, wrinkles, elasticity “has moved to Iceland” and other things! Getting older can be a bummer, but there are things we can do that will help! Today we are going to explore over the counter remedies and treatments from a dermatologist or spa. As a licensed cosmetologist, I am sharing with you things that the cosmetology world is constantly talking about and products that many of us use and recommend.
Why Do Our Face and Jowls Start To Sag?
Sagging skin is due to two age-related reasons: loss of collagen, which gives skin its elasticity, and loss of facial fat, the absence of which causes the skin to droop. It’s something we are all either facing or going through. I myself have noticed my neck not looking like it used to and it drives me insane! I can remember noticing it on Barry when he was in his early 50’s (I was only 40) but guess what…now it’s my turn, but there is help out there!
Gaining and Losing Weight
When you gain weight, the skin on your face stretches to go along with your extra padding, just like it does everywhere else. But if you’ve finally lost it, you may notice that you’re sporting under-eye bags and a slack jaw. As you age and your skin loses elasticity, when you stretch it out it won’t bounce back the same way it did when you were younger. But don’t despair, products like Retin-A can help!
You can’t get results from a jar like a facelift, but there are products that can help tremendously! My favorite product with the most Retin-A you can buy without a prescription is Redefine Intensive Renewing Serum. These little blue capsules can and will change the look of your skin with continued use. **use a derma roller prior to application and the serum sinks into your skin to give you a more youthful look!
Using the Derma Roller will help minimize your pores also! Who has noticed your pores getting larger around your chin area? Yep…we all are having that issue! See the entire set here.
Top OTC Products That Can Help Tighten and Renew Your Look
These products will only give you subtle results, but sometimes subtle is a much better remedy than spending lots of money on something that you will need to continue to keep your results. These are the Top 5 Best Firming Creams according to Dr. Audrey Kunin, MD, a certified dermatologist that founded DermaDoctor.
Strivectin TL Advanced Neck Tightening Cream
“Strivectin TL Advanced Neck Tightening Cream contains multiple peptides,” Kunin said, which are ideal for firming. But those with more sensitive skin should beware. The cream “also contains niacinamide, which can be irritating and cause redness in some people.”
DERMAdoctor Kakadu C Face Crème
DermaDoctor Kakadu C Face Creme contains both Vitamin C and peptides but is well tolerated on both the face and neck since the vitamin C level is less concentrated than a serum.
Perricone MD Cold Plasma Sub-D Neck
This cream “features antioxidants alpha-lipoic acid and DMAE to help define the appearance of the chin and neck.
Dr. Brandt Do Not Age Moisturizing Neck Cream
“Glycolic acid helps hydrate and smooth dry rough skin,” Kunin says.
Crepe Erase Intensive Body Repair Treatment
This mega hydration helps to temporarily lift crepey, sagging skin to appear lifted and firmer.
What Can You Do To Improve Your Skin That’s Non-Surgical?
- Are at a healthy weight and maintain your weight
- Eat a healthy diet
- Quit smoking
- Drink little alcohol
- Protect your skin from the sun and never tan indoors
- For hard face lines (also known as sleep lines) try sleeping on your back instead of your side or stomach.
What About Non-Invasive or Spa Treatments
These procedures are called non-invasive because they leave your skin intact. You won’t have a puncture wound, incision, or raw skin afterward. You may see some temporary redness and swelling, but that’s usually the only sign that you had a procedure. **According to the American Academy of Dermatology
Here’s what you can expect from a non-invasive skin-tightening procedure:
- Results: Tend to appear gradually, so they seem natural
- Downtime: Little or none
- Colorblind: Safe for people of all skin colors
- Body-wide use: Can tighten skin just about anywhere on your body
- Side effects: Usually some redness and swelling, but little risk of other side effects when performed by a board-certified dermatologist
- Time commitment: Most procedures take 1 hour or less
- Pain: May have some discomfort during the procedure, but that’s usually it
- Makeup: Can often apply immediately after the procedure
- Cost: Varies and not covered by insurance, so ask how much it will cost
If you opt for a non-invasive skin tightening procedure, you’ll likely have one of the following:
Ultrasound Dermatologists are using ultrasound to send heat deep into the skin.
Bottom line: The heat can cause your body to produce more collagen. With 1 treatment, most people see modest lifting and tightening within 2 to 6 months. You may get more benefit from having additional treatments.

Radiofrequency During this treatment, your dermatologist places a device against your skin, which heats the tissue beneath.
Bottom line: Most people have 1 treatment and feel some tightening right away. It takes time for your body to make collagen, so you’ll see the best results in about 6 months. Some people benefit from having more than 1 treatment.
**Results can last 2 to 3 years with the right skincare.

Laser treatment Some lasers can send heat deep into the skin without wounding the top layer of your skin. These lasers are used to tighten skin all over the body and can be especially helpful for tightening loose skin on the belly and upper arms.
Bottom line: You may need 3 to 5 treatments to get results, which gradually appear between 2 and 6 months after the last treatment.
Most tightening and lifting without surgery
Minimally invasive skin-tightening procedures While these procedures can give you more noticeable results, they still cannot give you the results of a surgical procedure like a facelift, eyelid surgery, or neck lift. Minimally invasive skin tightening, however, requires less downtime than surgery. It also carries less risk of side effects.
You will be sedated during this type of procedure and will have a few days of downtime.
If you have a minimally invasive skin tightening procedure, here’s what you can expect.
Radiofrequency When you have this type of radiofrequency, a thin tube (or needles), is inserted into your skin to heat up the tissue beneath. This allows your dermatologist to provide heat exactly where you need it to tighten loose skin. Dermatologists often use this procedure to tighten the neck or upper arms.
Bottom line: Putting the heat where it’s needed allows you to see results faster — usually in about 1 month. In some research studies, patients see gradual tightening and lifting for close to 1 year.
After the procedure, you’ll need someone to drive you home and you may need to wear a compression garment for 4 or 5 days. You’ll also need to care for the wound.
Laser resurfacing This is the most effective procedure for tightening loose skin. Unlike the laser treatment described above, this procedure requires some downtime. You’ll need to stay home for 5 to 7 days.
Laser resurfacing also gives you the fastest results. After you heal, you’ll see tightening and fewer wrinkles within 2 weeks.
Bottom line: Laser resurfacing can tighten skin, usually better than any other skin-tightening procedure. It can also diminish fine lines, wrinkles, and dark spots on the skin, such as age spots. The tradeoff is that it requires downtime and has a greater risk of possible side effects, such as scarring.
What Would You Prefer? Aging gracefully or fighting it every step of the way?
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To be frank and honest with you girls, the one thing that you can do to help fight the aging process is to be consistent with your skincare routines. Sticking with a regimen, eating healthy (no fried foods), drinking plenty of water, taking skin-hair-nail vitamins, and exercising are things we all can do where we can reap the rewards over time. Our skin didn’t start sagging in a week – it took years for that to happen and it will take time to see some changes.
Thanks for stopping by the blog today and I hope I have shared some things that may be on your mind, especially if you are over 40. I have a dermatologist that I absolutely love and she is always wanting to try new things. If I decided to give in and let her try some minimally invasive techniques, I will share with you all the ENTIRE process with video. Wouldn’t that be interesting lol! Happy New Year ladies!!
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Proverbs 31:25
“She is clothed in strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future…”

Wow Beverly, thank you for your time preparing for this post. I like the non-surgical tips. I am looking forward to your video. Have a great day. ~Lisa~
Thanks Lisa!! I figured we all must be wondering about these things, so I decided to share!! Thank you for the comment!! Have a great day at work ❤️
Yes…that dreaded neck area that starts showing more of your age…ugh. Thank you for all these suggestions and I need to look into them a bit deeper. I did start doing a little research last month as I know I need to take better care of my face but need to decide what products to use that are affordable to me. I’m terrible about moisturizing so that is one of my top goals for the New Year is to take my moisturizing seriously. I have started putting a scoop of collagen in my smoothie or coffee and hoping this is starting to help in some small way. Hope everyone starts feeling better at your house. There is SO much of the cold/flu stuff going around in our area also.
Thanks Sandy!! Raegan is pretty bad off and she still wants to be cuddled by mom when she’s sick—of course I’m running away lol!! I have learned that moisturizing is key!! I like the active hydration serums-they are pretty awesome too!! Don’t work too hard today!!❤️
Lisa Richardson
My roller and Intensive Renewing Serum are two of my favorite products. I can see a difference when I’m rolling my neck too vs. when I get lazy and stop. It really works! XO
It does work!! I love mine!! XOXO
Kelly Palmer
Happy New Year! I am so sorry to hear that some of your family is starting out the new year with sickness. There is a lot of sickness crud going around here as well. I worked yesterday and Troy and I celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary. Today he went with me to my doctor appointment to go over my test results. The testing showed some gut issues so I will be focusing on improving my gut health as well as other modalities to improve my overall health. I am like Sandy and need to moisturize my face more than just before I apply my makeup. Thanks for all of your hard work in putting together this post. I was thinking that maybe I should just eat a lot and get a bit plumper to help fill out the lines on my face, lol 😉 Just kidding! I hope everyone is feeling better soon!
I laughed at eating more, sadly it will plump your face off it 😂😂 Thanks Kelly for your prayers. I’m soooo tired it’s crazy!!! 😘😘 Have a great weekend!and I will be praying for you. Bless your heart!!