How to Dress Up Jeans
Happy Saturday everyone! I hope your weekend has started off to a great start! I am still not quite up to par, I thought I was better until I started indulging on food again. So, I thought I would share with you a post from months back that’s one of my favorite outfits. I love this outfit for many reasons, but the main one is that it’s dressy and I am wearing jeans! I hope you enjoy it!
Distressed Jeans + a Blazer
I decided to share an outfit that I can wear to work or wear out on date night. I got a white blazer from The Loft a few years back and it has been a staple in my wardrobe. If you don’t have a couple of Spring/Summer blazers or jackets, I highly suggest getting some for your wardrobe. These can be worn to work, to church, with jeans on the weekends and they are a great way to dress up a cute dress. They look super cute with the sleeves rolled up too! I found some really cute white blazers (and they have multiple colors in some) that are in the SHOP THE POST below.
I chose to pair this white blazer with a tangerine colored camisole. The camisole I am styling today came from our Boutique, it is not available online yet so I found some comparable ones for you in the SHOP THE POST below. What makes a great camisole for me, are straps that are adjustable – that is priceless on camisoles and tanks! I love tanks, but I do not like anything tight on me if I am wearing a cardigan or blazer right now.
I am in the process of trying to lose a little off my midsection right now so I’m all about loose and flowy. Oh, I will be starting the Faster Way To Fat Loss March 11th, we will see how that goes. I tried it once and I couldn’t make it past the 2nd day. I’m more dedicated now…I hope! LOL! I may need you girls to cheer me on. I have seen other bloggers who have had great success with it, I’m just hoping I can give up my late night bowl of cereal. HAHA!
Update on FWTFL

FWTFL is going great! Here is a Before & After Picture. New round starts July 8th, click HERE to start your fat loss journey!
Outfit Details
The jeans I am wearing are
I decided to wear the 206 Collective Women’s Eve Kitten Heel Dress Sandal with this outfit. The heel was low, these shoes are new and I wanted to wear them lol, plus I thought a nude heel/sandal would look really cute! Get the Kitten Heels HERE. They come in different colors, plus they are on Sale for $55.28 – down from $75.00 last week. These are the heels I styled last week in the Coated Jeans Post.
**prices may be different since the original posting was in February of 2019
Shop the Post
I decided since my jacket was white, I would wear the Penelope necklace. This has become one of my favorites – I love wearing it with the whites and nudes that are so popular right now. Get the Penelope Rose Gold Necklace HERE.
thanks for stopping by the blog today and hopefully I will have this bug out of my system by tomorrow! Happy Weekend and I hope all of you have a Happy Father’s Day. I am really looking forward to tomorrow’s post and I am also adding my Sunday outfit for church and maybe Barry will jump in a picture with me! Fingers crossed!!
Be sure to Pin anything you like to Pinterest, as this helps me grow as a new blogger. I appreciate your Pins, comments and coming by the blog!
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Kelly Palmer
Oh no, I am so sorry that you are still not feeling well! You are not the only one whose husband thinks they laugh at their pain. When Troy gets hurt and I don’t mean a major injury but small bumps or bruises I laugh. I guess it is just a nervous reaction or something. I am the type that likes to “get er done” and I often feel like the slave driver. He is Mr. Procrastination and it drives me nuts! Once he gets going on something things are fine but he is so hard to get motivated. This outfit is one of my favorites and isn’t it crazy how a nice blazer can dress up just about anything? I think that I will be making some chicken soup to take for my dinner tonight and then baking some Andes mint chocolate chip cookies to take into work for Father’Day. I work 3-10 today and then need to get up before the butt crack of dawn to go in 8-3 tomorrow. I am praying that you are feeling much better soon!
Oh my gosh Kelly, that is something else we have in common. I swear we could be related ha!!! I have a nervous laugh too!! It’s so embarrassing at times. I can be telling something so serious and I’m smiling and giggling while I tell it. My sons dog was sick yesterday and raegan was trying to clean up ( he puked ugggg) anyway she ended up heaving and I’m laughing so hard I was crying. I had to apologize so much to her. I felt so bad. Have a great day!!! I wish I was there to try your treats!!!
Getting on here while the kids have their snack and a cartoon and ME a coffee(not my first one). These two littles have been getting up before I even get my first cup of coffee !!!!!! Oh dear…Happy Father’s Day to Barry by putting him to work for you…LOL I’m sure he is totally fine with it. And…I hate to say but I don’t laugh real easy…out loud…but I tell my family I’m laughing inside. So, when I start laughing and can’t stop and almost start crying my family goes “oh no, here we go, this must be good” because they too know that it is hard for me to show my “happy emotion” which should probably be sad but that’s just who I am. Terry can’t believe how I can watch a comedy and NOT laugh “out loud”! I remember this outfit when you posted it first and love it just as much on you. I find myself gravitating towards cardigans and need to try a blazer. Have fun spoiling Barry for Father’s Day.
Oh no!! The kids must be getting up early!!! I love it when Brooklyn sleeps in -she’s not sleeping in much anymore uggg!!! Thanks Sandy!!! I’m pulling for ya!!! Lol