The Perfect Drink For Summer

We have had the BEST weather the past few days and I am loving being outside more. Last night I rode with Barry in the golf cart to the park where we watched kids playing baseball, then headed over to a vacant field and let him hit a few golf balls. I brought my laptop so I could work on a few blog posts while he “relaxed” hitting balls. We take spending time together really serious huh? LOL! There was a time when I worked so much we barely saw each other, so I am really enjoying our time together.

Since the weather has been so pleasant, we have been sitting out on the patio enjoying the fire pit and few summer favorites of ours. One of our favorite Summer drinks is a non-alcoholic Sangria drink. My kids have loved this over the years. I thought you girls would like it, at least to have in your arsenal of possible drink options.

It really looks like summer when you look at a glass of this Sangria. From the sliced fruit to the pretty pink or peach colors, it’s one of my favorite drinks to enjoy when the sun is so hot. I think I like it not only for the taste but, to look at it, it is so pretty with the fruit in it. I had misplaced my recipe a few years back and I have been looking for this ever since. I finally found it and had to share it!

I was so excited that I “happened” upon this recipe. My mother-in-law gave me this years ago, along with with a few of her all-time BEST recipes. Lord that woman could cook and we loved eating whatever she prepared! She loved to have people around and this was one of the very first things I had at her house when I was dating my late husband. She was a very religious lady and did not drink alcohol, so when she said, “Here’s some Sangria”, imagine my surprise. She must have seen the stunned look on my face because she said, don’t worry honey, there is no need for alcohol in my recipes. They don’t need it LOL!! She was such a hoot! If you want alcohol, you can switch out the Sprite for sparkling wine if you are looking for an alcoholic version of this drink.

fruity sangria

serves 5-6

6 tbsp Country Time Lemonade powder mix

1/4 cup Orange Juice

2 cups white grape juice

1 liter of Sprite

Sliced lemons, limes, strawberries and oranges. I added fresh blueberries for a little color.

  1. Mix orange juice with lemonade powder.
  2. Add white grape juice and top with fruit.
  3. Add Sprite just before serving and enjoy!

This drink is sweet with a light flavor. You can tweak it in either direction by adjusting how much lemonade mix you add to the recipe.

What’s your favorite drink for Summer? I love coming up with new ideas and then freezing them like popsicles, does anyone else do that for your grandkids? My kids (25 and 19) still like it when I do it and if I add a Pepperidge Farm cake, then they are living their childhood all over again LOL!

Thanks for stopping by the blog and I hope you have a great day!

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  • sandy

    That looks so pretty and this would also look pretty in a punch bowl! I very rarely make punch but I will copy this recipe and we will try it but need to pick up the Countrytime Lemonade first. I wish we were enjoying 80 deg. days. They do say it could reach that today and tomorrow so I have my fingers crossed. I may try and hose out the garage if it does get that warm. I can see that Barry is relaxing and I’m thinking that even though though you were working, this was your way of relaxing and feeling like you were ahead by working on blog post while still being with Barry. Do you not play golf? I do not and neither does Terry…well, he can but he doesn’t. I’m off to make some returns today. I’m tired of looking at them by the side of my bed.

    • Beverly

      It’s very a great drink for showers and things like that! I have went and played with Barry a few times, but I’m only good at hitting the hall with the “big club” lol. I was a softball player and we used to coach Raegan’s softball team when she was growing up. That was hard work but it was so fun. He plays every chance he gets, he’s addicted ha!! I need to hose my front porch off. I may be productive and do that today -thanks Sandy!! Lol have a great day!!

  • Kelly Palmer

    I know that I am commenting late but I had to work 8-3 today. The end of July-beginning of August our 2 daughters and 5 of our grandchildren will be coming to visit for a week. This would be a nice refreshing drink to fix for them. They will think that they are getting something special and of course I will need to bake something homemade to go with it 😉 Neither Troy nor I play golf. Troy’s dad is a golfer and he watches it on tv as well. I think that I would rather watch paint dry lol! It is absolutely wonderful to read your blog post and comment on my computer so thanks again for the heads up about cleaning out my caches!!

    • Beverly

      I’m so glad you got your computer fixed!! That help desk is awesome-they have been really helpful. Girl, I can’t stand to watch golf either. Yuk!! Lol 😂 Your grandchildren will like it, well my kids loved it!! I think a lot of it was the fruit we put in it. They really liked oranges in it!! What are you baking?? I’m so jealous ha!!

    • sandy

      Well Kelly and I must have had the same issues with our computer so you are our computer whiz! Well I didn’t get home in time to hose out the garage so now that has to be added at some point the next couple of days. It got to 92 here today and although I’ve been whining for warmer weather…it was almost hot! I don’t know how you gals do it that shop for your blog post. I am pooped out tonight and ask myself if I accomplished what I wanted to or did I return my things only to bring things home again that I won’t be keeping. I may have to try stitch fix or trunk club because I really DO NOT like shopping. Even with the clothes that you post from stores I can go in, they just don’t look the same on me as they do on you. I think I am so ill-proportioned and that is the problem…. ~~sigh~~

      • Beverly

        Ok l giggled when you said it was hot lol!! I go into stores about once a month, the rest of the time I order clothes online. If I’m low on pictures ( and I have been lol) I will post beauty blogs. It does help to be able to swap it up. It is hard to find clothes you like and believe it or not-I have problems too. If you girls could see the photos that are trashed you would die laughing. Not to mention, it takes at least 15-20 pictures to pick out a few. That one maxi dress you had was gorgeous on you!!! I bet you look good in long skirts, capris or ankle pants. I need to follow y’all on FB lol.

  • sandy

    Now I am LOL….when you said you should follow us on FB…FYI…I post VERY FEW photos. I comment on peoples post, but I’m scared to put myself out there with photos because I judge how I look. It would be so fun for “us” to see your behind scene photos because I can’t imagine that they are not good but I guess you are human and critical of you in photos and want to capture the best view too. Thank you for the compliment on my long dress and yes..I love maxi skirts too.

  • Kelly Palmer

    When I first started looking at the comments I got so excited to see that Sandy had commented then I realized that it was a comment from last year 🙁 I think of her often and pray that she is ok. I am glad that you have had some beautiful weather to share with Barry. I hope you are feeling better. Take care and have a wonderful day!!

    • Beverly

      Hey Kelly!! I have no clue what happened to Sandy. I pray for her too. It’s like she fell off the face of the earth. I’ve emailed her a time or two, but got no response. I miss her!! Hope you have a great day!!❤️❤️❤️

  • Lisa

    Beautiful Beverly….thank you for reposting this drink. I will have to try it… easy. Since my husband does all the cooking and preparing the food etc., I could make this drink and be the ⭐️🍹. ~🦋Lisa🦋~

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