How to Style a Herringbone Vest!
Good Monday morning ladies!! Today is my wedding anniversary and what a ride Barry and I have had. I remember like it was yesterday when we said our vows and went to the mountains of NC for our honeymoon. While we were checking out some local shops, we purchased a red deer ornament for our tree. Each year that passed we would buy something new to remind us of something that happened that year. That deer was broken on our ride home, but we still hang it to remind us just how lucky we are.
My Honeymoon Adventure
I have to tell you girls hoe the deer became broken, it happened to us as we were coming home from the honeymoon. We were supposed to leave late Sunday afternoon, but the more we talked to people in town, all the townspeople were telling us to leave as early as possible because of a huge snow storm coming in. We thought we would be ok, I mean how bad could it be? Our snowstorms near Raleigh are practically nothing most of the time! Anyway, we decided to leave by lunch on Sunday. So we hunkered down that night and drifted off to sleep, I just happened to wake up at 3 AM that morning and looked out the window.

Ladies, when I looked out the window, there was SNOW EVERYWHERE!! I mean EVERYWHERE…I had never seen that much snow! You can imagine my shock!! And if you can – try and visualize me running back over to the bed waking up Barry up out of a dead sleep like the house was on fire! When I said, “Snow is everywhere”, girls…I never saw him move so quick! HAHA
Going Down the Mountain…
We packed up our Tahoe in a fast hot minute and started to leave. We were on the very top of a mountain in a cabin. So we had to try and navigate through about 8 inches of snow all the way down the mountain to get on a paved road. As we were winding around the very last curve of the mountain, I could see pavement just ahead- I was so excited! I felt so assured we were making it to a safe road to travel. Then just like that, in the blink of an eye, the back end of that Tahoe started sliding towards the edge of this mountain.

And Then It Happened…
I kept saying, “You got this”, and Barry kept saying, “Hold ON – we are going over”. Eeeekkkkkkk And you know what??? We were going over the side of this mountain and there was at least a few hundred feet drop on Barry’s side of the road. As we were starting to slide off the side of the mountain, all of a sudden there was a jerk and we stopped. The Tahoe was on its side dangling on the edge of the mountain. I was totally freaking out! I’m sweating now writing this!!!
Barry opened his door and the lights came on inside the car and he was able to get out. Then the door shut and all of a sudden it was pitch black again…and quiet!! An eery quiet, a spooky quiet, especially in the dark!! I wasn’t liking this at all ladies! I sat there for what felt like 10 minutes, dangling by the seat belt while all kinds of crazy thoughts popped into my head. Did he fall down the mountainside? Would the Tahoe roll over off the cliff? Would I roll on top of him? Geez… I was about to start crying, I had no clue what to do.

We Made It!!!
Then all of a sudden there was instant light again! Barry had made it up the mountain and around the Tahoe. He had to stand on the Tahoe to open the door and when he opened my door, the lights came on and it felt like pure HEAVEN!
After he got me out, we stood there looking at our battered Tahoe and then we noticed what was holding the Tahoe up. There were really no trees around that edge, a bunch of brush and stuff, but there was one skinny tree that the back end of our Tahoe hit. When we hit it, somehow a root or vine grabbed our tire and wrapped around the tire well, holding the Tahoe up on the side of that mountain. Can you talk about praising the LORD???So every year when we celebrate our Anniversary, we always say, we “made it” another year. By the Grace of God and the vine that He sent! That’s a trip I will never forget! I haven’t stayed at an isolated cabin in the winter since that trip and never will! I bet you weren’t expecting a story like that huh?? lol
Styling a Herringbone Vest!
Now let’s talk about styling a herringbone vest! I must admit when I first saw the cute herringbone vests, it really didn’t phase me. I neither liked it nor disliked it. But I have recently took a second look and have fallen in LOVE with them!! So let’s look at a few ways to style them. Sometimes having a print like a herringbone can throw you off on colors and prints that could possibly blend together. Check out the looks I pulled together…
Wearing Herringbone with a solid color
This is an easy outfit idea wearing a solid color underneath and pairing black accessories with it. Pretty basic, but there is so much more we can do!
Mix it up and wear plaid with your Herringbone Vest
Wear Stripes with a Herringbone Vest
Don’t be afraid to shake things up with a herringbone vest ladies! You can wear plaids, checks, stripes, and solids with it. Don’t have a mindset that you HAVE to wear a solid color with the vest just because it has a print to it.

Mixing prints is something that everyone looks at as a challenge at times. I hope this post gives you the inspiration to start mixing it up and having some fun with colors and prints!! Happy Monday everyone!!
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