My First Microdermabrasion and a GIFT FOR YOU!
Hey everyone! Microdema-what?? Yep, I went and had my first microdermabrasion facial – now let me tell you girls all about it!
First I will tell you a few things about Microdermabrasion
What is microdermabrasion?
It is a cosmetic treatment which aims to remove the topmost layer of the skin which is called the stratum corneum, to create a rejuvenating effect and treat skin problems such as acne scarring, mild discoloration, sun damage, and wrinkles.
How does microdermabrasion work?
It is a painless, non-surgical procedure meant to get rid of the dead outer covering of the skin by applying a fine abrasive head and vacuum suction to the skin. The process requires no needles, just a simple machine composed of a vacuum suction, a connecting tube, a pump and a handpiece which has either a diamond, crystal or bristle tip.
What are the effects of microdermabrasion?
Microdermabrasion can be helpful in the treatment of skin problems ranging from acne scars to sun damage and even more severe problems such as hyperpigmentation. It is a thorough exfoliation, so the skin is soft and smooth after the treatment.
Procedure of microdermabrasion:
Microdermabrasion is a simple and non-invasive cosmetic treatment which takes from about 60 minutes to perform. It can be performed by a dermatologist or Beauty therapist with a machine designed specifically for the procedure. The machine is built with crystals such as sodium chloride, aluminum oxide, magnesium oxide and diamonds which are pressurized by the pump to produce an abrasion of the skin. The vacuum raises a small section of the skin which the machine works on and thereafter removes the crystals and abraded skin cells. Therefore, the speed of the machine over the skin and the number of passes made determines the effectiveness of the treatment. The skin is stretched to achieve tension in the area in order to get the best abrasion. For best results, it is recommended treatment regimens ranging from six to twelve sessions.
How much does it cost?
It ranges between $130 to $175 (in the Garner, NC area around $150) per session depending on the place you go to and whether it is performed by a dermatologist or a beauty therapist. My Esthetician is Melissa Moore with Renew Day Spa in Garner, NC. When you book an appointment with Melissa, make sure you mention that you were referred by my blog and use Promo Code BEVERLY18 and you will receive a 15% DISCOUNT on your next service with Melissa! Spoiler ALERT!! Ladies, it’s worth $200….my skin has never felt so good! OK, Back to the blog….. haha
What are the side effects?
After the treatment is performed you may have visible redness all over your skin. It should not be bright red, or painful, in fact, I barely had any redness. That night after I had the procedure done, my skin felt like I was 18 years old again!! They need to do that over the entire body!! For Real!!!!!! Talk about turning back the clock, it does!
My Experience…
I was a little nervous before my first treatment but really excited to try new things. As I walked in the Spa, Raegan and I were greeted by the receptionist and treated so nice! AS we walked through the door to go back, the mood was set. You could hear waves crashing, the lights were dim, it was TOTAL relaxation mode! They took us both back to a room to change out of our clothes and get into a robe. As soon as we got alone, my daughter let me know real quick, this was the place for her -” I found my place”, she said! No anxiety, no pressure, no kids screaming in the background – pure solace!!
After changing we headed over to the lounge area…it was getting better girls!!!! Every step I took, I felt like I was on an episode of Christley Knows Best (if you watch that show, then you have seen Todd at the spa-HAHAHA)!!! Watch the video to see what the lounge looks like! (BTW- Melissa looks like a teenager and she is almost 40!! Don’t tell me taking care of your skin is tough! It’s a necessity ladies!! Fight the aging process!! )
Once Melissa took me back to the facial room, I was able to take the robe off, get under the warm sheets and blankets and enjoy the process!
Melissa talked with me about my skin, what issues I was concerned about, things she could offer and a game plan to get me back to where I want to be. She talked me through the entire process and explained everything in great detail. I must say, I was very impressed with the entire staff a ReNew Day Spa and how they treated their clients. I really felt like they were there to offer me the best experience possible – and they did! They let us lounge and drink cucumber water after my facial – sitting by the fire with a heated wrap on my neck. Ahhhh, It was pure heaven girls!!! You got to go get you a facial or microdermabrasion – whatever you are wanting!! It seriously gave me the opportunity to close my eyes, relax, enjoy the pampering and let go of the daily stress!!
I will definitely be receiving more microdermabrasion treatments as I feel it does wonders for the fine lines around my eyes and my overall skin tone, shockingly she said my pores looked great and I didn’t have any sun damage!! I did have some broken capillaries, a few other minor things, but overall I was very pleased with the entire session. From the inspection of my skin, the treatment regimen we agreed on and the facial to the microdermabrasion and then back with the pampering – yeah!! I would definitely recommend this treatment to every woman or man looking for a way to help with fine lines, scaring from acne, sun damaged skin with age spots, and also someone who just wants to look after their skin. I think it is suitable for all skin types, just be careful with sensitive skin, and be sure to let your practitioner know of this. If you are looking a great Esthetician, I will highly recommend mine (don’t steal all her time- I need her too lol), Melissa Moore With Renew Day Spa – oh -she does eyelashes too girls!
We also talked about the products I was using and I have told you girls before that I do use glycolic acid (this is a must if you are 35 or older!) and Retin A (pictured above). I incorporated these products with my daily skincare routine and have seen significant changes in my skin. As a woman that spent my summers laying out or in a tanning bed, I have quite a bit of work to turn back the clock on my skin. I thank God above that I wore sunscreen on my face all these years! To know that I have an Esthetician that I can call and one who is actually going to be truthful to me – means the world to me. I stated in an earlier blog that I worked with Melissa when I was 30 and she was in her early 20’s at a local bank, she literally looks the same now as she did back then. I can’t stress enough how important it is to take care of your skin, but she can’t perform miracles!! 70% is on the person and 30% is your Esthetician. So wash yo face ladies!! Get that makeup off at night, get you some Retin A and Glycolic Acid and wipe away those years and see a brighter, more glowing and younger looking YOU!!!
So give Melissa a call, turn back the year, get pampered and get your 15% OFF any service with Melissa!!!!! WOOOHOOO!!!!
If you want to make an appointment with Melissa CLICK HERE for ReNew Day Spa website.
I want to say thank you to Melissa for allowing us to go in and video tape and capture images of this videotape she was wonderful the entire time.l From the microdermabrasion to showing us around the spa, we truly enjoyed every minute of the shoot! Thank you again and God Bless you!!
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