A Ruana For The Pumpkin Patch
Hello Friday! Hope everyone has had a great week and I know you are looking forward to the weekend. I said in an email that I was in a baking mood, so I will be trying out some new desserts this weekend! If any are REALLY good, I will share them with you. I only do easy, so there won’t be 15 ingredients. I just cannot do that, 6 items or less and I’m all in! HA!!
I was doing a little shopping online at Target and found a few pieces that I really liked. I used the Ship To Store and was able to get pieces in the same day, I am loving that option with stores. Have you
This Ruana caught my eye, the cute fringe detail,
I wore the High Waist Jegging from American Eagle, these are on sale and online-only, see them here. These are some of my jeans that I am constantly wearing. They have enough stretch in them that they don’t feel too tight, and the good thing is they don’t sag in the rear. These are priced right now at $37, which is a great deal on AE jeans.
My top is a mixed media swing tank from The Loft Outlet, it comes in 6 colors and on sale now. I am really enjoying this top because I can wear it
**On top of the sale at The Loft Outlet, you can get 40% off 4+ items, 30% off 3 items, and 20% off 2 items. Shop the sale here.
The cognac suede wedge booties are on my rotation list. Since I have so many boots, I try to rotate them around so I am giving all my booties some love. LOL! These were purchased from Steinmart and they are out of stock online, but here are some that are almost identical.

I kept my jewelry simple since I might be wrapping this around my neck (it wasn’t that cold out yet…sigh). The earrings are a 4 pack from Amazon, they are made with faux leather, very lightweight and comes in 2 different colors, see them here.
You could go all out with some chunky jewelry that would really set this outfit on fire! A bold necklace and some great arm candy, you would be beautiful! I seem to have spells when I really love wearing jewelry and then I slump into a mood where I only want minimal “bling” on. Anyone else like that?
What are your thoughts on a Ruana?
Thanks for stopping by the blog today! I hope you girls have a fantastic weekend! Don’t forget the Hallmark Christmas Movies start tonight if you are a Christmas movie lover. I think I love these movies so much because I find myself smiling while I’m watching them. If a movie can bring a smile to my face without it being a comedy, I’m all about watching.
Brooklyn has gone to Colorado for a few weeks to see her great-grandparents, so I am a little bummed about her being gone so long. I know family is important and they will love having her. What are you girls up to this weekend? You know what my plans are…baking!! Happy Weekend!!
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Kelly Palmer
Good morning! To be honest I have never heard of the word Ruana before and had no idea what to expect from this blog post. It is very pretty and I love the color as it screams Fall to me! I have seen some suede booties recently and am tempted to get some. The thing that is keeping me from doing it is I am concerned about how they will hold up in inclement weather. Do you need to treat them with some sort of special water proof stuff or protectant of some sort? I am still feeling like crud and hanging out in our bonus room reading emails and watching the Hallmark or Bravo channel. I am also planning on making a room by room list of what projects need to be done in our house and also what pieces of furniture we still need to purchase. We have been here 15 months now and still have so much to do but making a detailed list will hopefully make things easier so that we aren’t all over the place with projects. I am sure that Troy will be super excited that I had the time to do that 😉 lol! What really stinks about being sick is that The Country Living Fair is at Stone Mountain this weekend and we were planning on going. It is also predicted to rain a lot this weekend so it didn’t look good even if I wasn’t sick. Oh well, I guess there is always next year. I hope you have fun baking and have a wonderful weekend!!
I was thinking about you this morning, in fact, I was about to post on your FB page. I’m feeling weird still, so I think I am going to try and get in to see the dr. Girl….relax!!! The technical term is a ruana, I think ya regular girls call it a wrap or shawl lol. I have never had any issues with my suede boots, I do Scothguard everything though. Stay snuggled up and drink your fluids!! Hope Troy doesn’t get it. Hope you feel better soon ❤️❤️❤️