Amazon Prime Day and More
Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope your week is going great, ours has been busy finishing up a few things with the “facelift” we are working on right now at our home. I can only imagine what it will be like when we put new flooring down! HA! I have learned over the years that I don’t do very well with things are cluttered and chaos is going on. That must be the OCD side of me kicking into high gear!
I share A LOT of great finds from Amazon and today is the last day to get on the HUGE Amazon Prime Sale! This is one of the biggest sales Amazon will have of the year, it’s like Black Friday! Amazon is marking down thousands of popular items and today is the last day to get it on it. To get these deals you must be an Amazon Prime Member…if you’re not a Prime member…that’s ok! You can become one HERE and remember that it comes with a 30 day- trial, so you can cancel anytime within the 30 days. I personally love being a Prime Member, the shipping and discounts are wonderful! Plus I stream music on my Alexa daily and they back up my photos for me!
Let’s talk about Alexa a little, it took me a long while before I caved in and purchased this item. What changed my mind? Our golf cart (it’s only a few years old) was left in our front yard overnight and someone tried to steal it!! They had taken a screwdriver or some kind of tool and tried to crank it, but instead of riding off into the sunset with a free golf cart, they walked away defeated! Thank God! We decided to get a Ring doorbell and got the bundle that came with the Echo Spot. See it HERE.
Oh my gosh! I loved it so much, I ordered an Echo for the bedroom and I probably will get another one for the kitchen. But first, let me explain how the Ring doorbell works. It is a camera and it alerts our phones (everyone in our family has the app on their phone so we all can see lol) when there is motion in our front yard or near the door. It also can give you a live view so you can see what’s going on also. We live only 2 blocks from the park, so we have a lot of foot traffic coming through our neighborhood. Kids are always walking or riding by…at all times!
I can see when packages are left at my house, I can see if anyone has been in my yard during the night and so much…we LOVE Ring products! We have had a little fun with this gadget also! See the video below of Raegan picking up a package and her brother chiming in on the Ring…he should have been working instead of worrying what we were doing!! HA! This is a way to keep you informed and safe without paying a lot of money out. My son hooked up the doorbell in about 5 minutes, it was very easy with easy instructions.
Back to Amazon Prime, we order everything from Amazon and I mean everything! We have toilet paper, paper towels, dog food and more on authorship. It is so much easier to have these things come to our door rather than going into Walmart or some other store and take out bulky items. That was always a job I hated to do, but it’s not bad at all now! I order my Amazon Prime W
Some of My Faves From Amazon!
I know I have shared these multiple times, but girls!!!! They are SO worth the price! Rattan and straw bags are everywhere this Summer and the price point is not bad at all! See it HERE.
Women’s Large Straw Bag – these are roomy and a great touch to a Summer outfit!

The Essential 2 Pack T-Shirt! Best Deal of the DAY! Multiple colors are offered!
Distressed KanCan Jeans are my favorite jeans, I wear them weekly!
Essential Bermuda Shorts -multiple colors!
BaubleStar Tassel Earrings– multiple colors available!
These are just a few things that I have purchased from Amazon that I actually wear weekly! These have great price points and you will actually use or wear them!
What are you girls doing today? I am awaiting my last piece of furniture to be delivered WOOHOO! I will be snapping up a few pictures for the blog tomorrow and I have the cutest outfit that’s going to be on the blog tomorrow! thanks for stopping by and you girls have a wonderful day!
Be sure to Pin anything you like to Pinterest, as this helps me grow as a new blogger. I appreciate your Pins, comments and coming by the blog!
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Kelly Palmer
Happy Tuesday to you too! I am hanging out at home today since one of our cars is in the shop getting a new a/c compressor. I am a bit bummed because I have been looking forward to the Amazon Prime Day sales but since we have the unexpected cost of the a/c compressor I won’t be doing anymore shopping this month. That is ok though cause I am so blessed to have all that I already have and will just enjoy looking at the things that you post. The video of your daughter picking up the package and your son responding is really cute. I am looking forward to a sneak peak at your new work space and the outfit that you have to show us tomorrow. Have a wonderful Tuesday!!
Hey Kelly!! We’ve got hit this month with unexpected costs too. I hate when that happens!! I told Barry he was taking pictures of me tonight whether he liked it or not!! I had to run my blog😂😂. Honestly Broikoyn has been here every night and it makes a huge difference when you’re not used to it. We just had an electrician leave so I do believe we are done with the chaos!! Woohoo!! How are you feeling? I’m way better now!! Have a great day off!! Btw-I didn’t buy anything from the sale except a battery operated lamp. Saving my $$$ lol!!
Kelly Palmer
I am slowly but surely feeling better thanks. Praying that you and I both stay well for a good long while!
Yes!! In Jesus name lol!! It’s been a very busy and sickly month for us.
I’m late getting here again. We were gone for four days and today was trying to catch up. Laundry this morning and on the mower from noon til 6:00 and still not done since my parents stopped by so I lost an hour of mowing but that’s ok. There is always tomorrow to finish up. It has been so HOT here…even for me!!! Glad you girls are feeling better as I can’t imagine not being able to breathe during this heat and humidity. I didn’t buy anything from Amazon as yesterday I was watching grandkids so no time for shopping on computer. Today just too much to do and unless I have something specific to look for…I feel like I do in a store…just wandering aimlessly. Guess I must not have needed anything….until I see or hear what others found…LOL Beverly you are so right that when you are being grandma, it really changes your routine and takes extra time to watch the little ones that you just don’t get near as much done but…I know us grandmas are ok with that. Can’t wait to see your new space !!
Sandy you just said a mouth full girl!!! Brooklyn is still here and Barry has been off since Monday. We have yet to go take pictures!! Uggg!! He’s still busy during the day dealing with that house that burnt down. I’ve been trying to condense our house to the bones nearly!! Our garage is FULL of furniture and junk basically. I told him tonight that tomorrow we are going to take pictures and I meant it lol!! I seriously just woke him up 😂😂. Oh, and Raegan started a new job in management at a Claire’s and has been going through training 35 minutes from here every day. So I’ve had to take her then pick her up. I told her today that she would go get her license. It’s time!!! I’ve been pulled every which way for the past few weeks. Oh, I have 2 tubs full of clothes that I need to get pictures in. I have so much to do, poor Barry!! He’s been so busy but I need his help. Wow—o think I just vented ha!! Everyone has been so busy this month. I hope it slows down and everyone gets better soon. Have a great night Sandy. And relax some!! Enjoy doing nothing. ( if possible lol)
And you said “I” made “you” tired…goodness gracious Beverly….you are running yourself ragged!!! Congrats to Reagan on her management position but would definitely help if she had her license. And I so get that we need our hubbies to help with some things such as garage clean-out. That is on my to-do list also but is not at the “top” of Terry’s. If Brooklyn is like our grandchildren…they will entertain themselves for awhile but most of the time they like me doing things with them so I can see where you only get bits and pieces done at a time. I do not envy you for being two tubs of photos behind…I wanted to keep photos of the kids and us in a file folder on the computer so when they graduated I could give them a small photo albumn. Well….five years later that has not happened and more then likely will not. Won’t be so bad if you have written on them so you know dates when they were taken. Hopefully Barry will be able to finish up with the burn and be able to help you back at your house again and with Brooklyn. Sometimes it doesn’t seem like we will see the light of day at the end of the tunnel…but it might be a little bit for you since you are remodeling but just think of the end result, it will be so worth it!!!! Maybe another cup of coffee will help?? 😉
Awe!! This encourages me!! You are absolutely right! In the long run it will be worth it. I keep thinking, ok. I’m caught up-then reality hits and I’m not lol!! I’m ready to get back on my schedule cause my OCD is really kicking in about being in a schedule. I’m taking some time this morning to forget everything and go to the gym. After that, I’m really kicking things into high gear and try to get all my stuff reorganized and back on track. I told Barry I felt like I’ve been calling into work lol. Have a great day lovely!!!