I Have a Guest Today!
Happy Monday ladies!! I hope you had a wonderful weekend and it was full of great times with your family. Our Easter was pretty boring, nothing really went on, but I was able to spend a lot of time with Chase and Raegan. I never knew how much I lean on those kids, they are my world and I am so glad God chose me to be their mom.
I wanted to drop a quick post about today, I am keeping Brooklyn since daycare is closed. I have a very full day planned for us and I am so excited!! We will be headed out shortly, so I wanted you to know I was taking the day off and devoting my day to this sweet little girl.
I will be posting some cute outfits tomorrow on the blog and I’m going to try and find some Bermuda shorts to style. I think a lot of you are waiting on that post LOL!!
I also wanted to thank each of you that have posted comments over the past few months, I have really come to enjoy them and look forward to hearing from your girls daily! XOXOXOXO I wish I could meet every one of you!! One day maybe LOL!
Have a great day and I cannot wait to start back on fashion tomorrow!! Wish me luck with Brooklyn!! This is one of my favorite pictures of us together – she certainly is the bright light in my life and being around her makes me feel better. Do you girls feel like that about your grandbabies? Love it!!! LOL
Thanks for stopping by today and I will see you tomorrow with new outfits! Be safe and enjoy your Monday!!
Oh what a wonderful photo of the two of you….you are blessed and she is blessed to have you for a grandma. I love that you are ok with taking today off from posting photos and just going to enjoy the day you have planned for the two of you. And thank you Beverly for the birthday wishes for our granddaughter from yesterday. It was such a fun day with her. I have to share that when we sat down to dinner(most of you probably call it “lunch”) we asked her if she wanted to lead the table prayer and she said “yes, and then after we pray, I want you all to sing Happy Birthday to me”. She LOVES to have that sung to her. The day went much to fast but I take what I can get with those two grandkids. ENJOY and have fun grandma! Do your grandkids call you Grandma or what do you go by? I’m old fashioned and wanted to by called Grandma 🙂
Lol. You’re granddaughter is so cute!! I love what she said!! Brooklyn calls me grandma and I love it lol. Happy Monday!!!!❤️
Kelly Palmer
Good morning! Your grand daughter is absolutely adorable and you can see the love and happiness of being together on both of your faces 🙂 I am a Memaw and love to be with my grand babies. I really hate that I am so far away (9-10 hour drive) but it makes me appreciate even more every precious moment that I do get to spend with them. I thank the good Lord for the technology that we have now to stay in touch. Have a wonderful day!!
That child has brought so much happiness into my life. I never knew what a special gift grandchildren are!! It would kill me if she was so far away, but you’re right-Technology is a lifesaver to stay close!! How in the world did people do it sending letters?? Lol
Kelly Palmer when I start feeling sorry for myself for being 2 1/2 hours away from my grandkids, I need to remember those of you that are 9-10 because I do know how hard that would be. And yes, thank goodness for technology and being able to see their faces via a screen and chat with them.
Yes!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻
Kelly Palmer
Thank you Sandy! I keep praying for a day in the future when I could at least be even 4 hours away so that I could more easily make a weekend visit more often. My grandson Aleczander has learned how to call me via messenger on Facebook and while we talk he likes to put on different faces etc but his favorite is a game where we take turns trying to catch donuts with our mouths and as we catch them our cheeks get chubby. I am not sure how much of the calls he is doing is because he wants to talk or how much is because he just likes to play the games but I will take it either way!! 😉 Last week 2 of our grand daughters moved with their mom to Minnesota so now instead of being 9 hours away in Florida with their dad (our son) they are about 20 hours away 🙁
I love this!!!!
Kelly I had to chuckle thinking of catching the donuts and your cheeks puff up…not a game I’m familiar with but I’m thinking a five year old would get some laughs out of this…do you think so too Beverly that Brooklyn would like playing this with you…LOL Oh goodness Kelly…I’m so sorry your granddaughters are now further away. Hope their mom lets them chat via computer.
Haha!!! I’m the grandma that plays those games. In real life too!!😂😂
What a great picture of the two of you! I’m happy you’re taking a day for yourself and for her. Isn’t it wonderful to be able to do that? Enjoy and I look forward to tomorrow’s post.
Awe!! Thank you Johnna!!! See you tomorrow!