Treating Cracked Heels- Easy Remedy
Happy Thursday ladies! I just realized a day or so ago that next week I’m headed to Rosemary, Florida with Tania (50 Is Not Old) and Leigh Ann. How did the time go by so fast?? I need to get some extra blog posts completed, pick out my clothes to take, get my house straight… the list is never-ending. I learned long ago, a Mother’s work is never done!
Since I’m about to pull the shorts and sandals out, I thought I might better start working on the feet. Uggg, I always hated this when I was in Cosmetology School, but it must be done. I thought I would share with you some of the things that have helped me over the years. You girls remember when you were younger and you saw your grandparent’s feet for the first time? Did you vow that you would never let that happen to your feet? I did too…and though I may slack at times, this is a foolproof way to get your heels and feet in tip-top shape. This is a great thing to do monthly so your heels and feet stay hydrated.
What You Need:
- A good pair of socks, the fluffier the better – Walmart has some great fuzzy socks.
- Vick’s VapoRub
- Pumice
- Foot Treatment Oil
1 ) Slather your feet with Vick’s VapoRub and when I say slather, don’t be shy. Once your feet are good and coated put on your nice fuzzy socks. (If you have a bad cough, this will kill two birds with one stone – great home remedy for the cold season).
2 ) Keep your socks on overnight. If you can’t sleep with socks on at least leave them on an hour or 2 before bed.
3 ) In the morning wash your feet really at least for one minute and use your Pumice. I absolutely LOVE Mr. Pumice, it has a gentle side and a really rough side (it isn’t your typical stone pumice). It’s one of the most purchased pumice stones cosmetologists use. I scrub my feet with this at least twice a week in the shower.
4 ) If you have any dead skin that is peeling away or hanging off ( I know it sounds gross, hence why I disliked pedicure day at school lol), you can cut them with cuticle clippers. Only do this after your feet have been wet because this will soften any loose skin.
5 ) To keep really nice maintained feet throughout the year use EssieSpa Swept Off My Feet Treatment oil by rubbing a generous amount on feet before bed and letting it dry completely. You can also use this oil with your pumice. This oil is a little expensive, but is totally worth it!! I like to soak my feet in the Dr. Scholl’s Pedicure Foot Spa with the oil in the water. It is a great oil to keep your feet looking and feeling like they are 20-year -old feet again!!
This is basically the same type of treatment you get while getting a pedicure, you can just do it at home! DIY home remedies are great and they can save you money!
Hopefully this was able to help you! My feet get really dry and rough from wearing sandals all the time in the summer and that time of year is coming! This will help when summer is over and hopefully our feet can stay a lot more moisturized, especially with doing these steps.
How often do you get a pedicure?
I’m headed out to work and I want to thank you for stopping by the blog today!! If you are having trouble with dry skin and want to rehydrate your legs, arms and full body – give Active Hydration Body Replenish a try. This stuff is gold to me, I keep it on hand and order a jar every month. Yep, we go through a jar a month!! Why? Because it actually does work and it’s the only lotion I have ever and I mean EVER used consistently to where I was emptying the jar or bottle. How many bottles of lotion or products do you have under your bathroom cabinet? Get the Active Hydration HERE.

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I needed this info. I can’t stand for my feet to look rough especially in the summer. I’m going to try this and save myself a trip to nail salon. I agree about Active Hydration cream. I LOVE it!! Use a ton of it all over everyday.
This works!!! The sock trick helps keep heat on your feet that helps a lot!! And yes the AH is my world lol
I am going to try the Vicks rub on my feet and oh my…that pedicure foot spa would be wonderful to have. How ironic that you talked about this today as I had my first pedi of the season Tuesday and they asked if I wanted to do a treatment on my heels(for extra money of course) and I said no not this time. My thinking was that my heels are ok now but after a month of wearing sandals then I WILL need it but I’m going to see if I can stay on top of the cracked heels by doing this at home treatment. Thank you so much for sharing this information. Only thing better is if I would have someone to do the massage on my lower legs while I relaxed in the chair. I think that’s what I enjoy most about a pedi !
Oh my gosh. The massage is so nice!!!!! This works and i try to to make sure I keep my feet cuddle soft 🤣. Hate to freak little Brooklyn out and her being so young with rough feet 🦶 😄
Kelly Palmer
I loved this post and all of the info that you shared. I do not have a weak stomach at all and in the past have even worked as a nurses aid in a nursing home. I can wipe butts till the cows come home and it doesn’t bother me but give me someones feet to work on and it will make me gag! I love getting pedicures and me and my daughters talked my husband into getting his done with us one time and ever since then he has to go with me 😉 I think at first he thought that it wasn’t something for a guy to do but once he went he loved it and saw that other men were there with their wives as well. I haven’t gotten my first of spring pedi yet but hope to make time to go soon!
I know a lot of guys goes to get one!! They leg massage—ahhhhh!! Lol. That’s a good date night idea-never thought about that !! Happy Friday and I’m glad you liked the post!!!