Things Stylish People Secretly Do
Ever wonder why some women always look put together with little or no effort, and, as a result, a tad more stylish than you? (There’s always one in every friend group.) They must have something else in common, right? They do—it’s called a unique set of styling secrets, and today I’m sharing the gold. From simple outfit solutions to tips for staying organized, here are 8 things all stylish people do to remain on top of the fashion game. Take note: Adopt one or all of the daily habits, and I promise you’re sure to have a style that screams YOU! Be YOUr kind of Beautiful! Will these 8 things change your style? Nope, but it may give you a little inspiration. PLAN-STAY ORGANIZED AND BE YOU!!
- They plan their outfits out the night before.
2. They always have the perfect dress for last-minute occasions. (I love her in this dress!!)
3. They take care of their shoes no matter the price. (Isn’t that too die for???)
4. They re-wear favorite outfit combinations.
5. They dress for themselves, period. (Stars may have people come in and dress them for big events, but their street style is more than likely -all them!)
6. They pin style inspiration to a secret Pinterest board.
7. Most almost always do their shopping by shopping online.
8. They aren’t afraid to be themselves, they create their own style. Trends start somewhere…might as well be YOU!!
In other words, be YOUR own KIND of Beautiful! No matter what you choose to wear, you always stay true to yourself. Trends come from everywhere ( and they can leave as quickly as they come), your style is unique and God made each of us that way- so go ahead and use what the good Lord gave ya! Be YOU!!! Be comfortable in your skin, there is no greater pleasure than having friends who are real and friends that let you be you!
You don’t have to wear the latest trends, you don’t have to have a “style”. You do what makes you feel good. But, the #1 item on here, is some of the best advice I have heard! Be you and Be organized lol!!!
The #1 Thing That Makes Your Style Stand Out Is SHOES!!
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