New Year Means New Beginnings
As this year is coming to an end and the hustle and bustle of the holidays have slowed down, it has given me time to reflect on life in general. A new year brings a time that we can wipe the slate clean and start out brand new, with new resolutions, new behaviors, and new intentions.
All through December, I pumped myself up for the new year and things I wanted to change or do more of. More fun, more laughter, more love, more understanding, and more determination.

What Are My New year’s Resolutions?
Build A Strong Relationship
First and foremost I am devoting more of my personal time with the Lord. It is so easy to get caught up in daily life struggles and forget that we have a straight bridge that connects to the one who sits on the Throne. When troubles come, and they will, I want to make sure that I’m giving all those problems to Him and not holding on to them trying to change things myself. This has been an issue for me, I always feel like if I “did’ something I can make things better. When in reality I should be putting my trust in God and letting Him handle it in His perfect way.
If I keep myself in prayer throughout the day and pursue a relationship with him, He will draw closer to me, It’s just like our kids, we love them, but sometimes they keep the parents at arm’s length only reaching out to us when they need help or advice (I’m talking about adult kids). When we cultivate a relationship with our children they, in turn, will start to draw closer to us and before long a stronger bond has been built. That’s what I want with the Lord.

Explore and Learn
This year I want to take my blog to new levels, I want to explore and educate myself in so many different ways. I have all these ideas inside this little head of mine that are frantically trying to bust out. More videos, better graphics, bringing in a photographer and graphic designer. I want to build my followers and push myself to new limits. I have so much to learn, to try and I can’t wait to see how much WE as a blog family grows!

Get Out More
Over the past few years, I have found myself totally wrapped up in things at home. But honestly, you can only organize the linen closet so many times before you start getting bored. I want to donate my time, work in the church, help the community and start planting seeds of love. More than ever our world needs more people to show love. Giving back and paying it forward is one of the best ways I can help someone in need and help myself in the process.

Live Healthier
For the most part, I have been pretty good with this throughout the years. I slowly started slowing down on my daily exercise and that has to stop! I told you yesterday that I was starting another round of FWTFL and with that comes a devotion to eating wholesome foods along with moving my body. I will be 51 in just a few months and I want to be moving and feeling young 10 years from now, so daily activity is a must for me. It’s not about fitting in a size 6 anymore (those days are gone) now it’s all about being healthy to enjoy my children and grandchild (or grandchildren one day) when I am older. They will need me and I need to be healthy so I can enjoy my older years with them.
I’m pretty sure I am going to need a calendar that I can visually see with times slotted out to keep me on schedule. I guess that means not sitting around watching the morning news show drinking coffee – I need to get busy! LOL!!! Anyone else uses calendars to keep you organized and on task?
What are your resolutions for the new year?

I am gathering all the top looks from Fall and Winter for tomorrow’s post, things that are on sale, top items…it’s HUGE! And it has been so much fun looking back over the year and seeing how things have evolved. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow!
Have a blessed day!
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Proverbs 31:25
“She is clothed in strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future…”

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