Coffee & Girl Talk
Happy Sunday everyone! I hope you have grabbed your coffee and are having a great morning! I started writing my Sunday post Saturday night and stopped at 11:54 pm and saved it as a draft for later. I walked away from it and knew that was not where God wanted me to go today – I literally could feel the Lord moving me to a post that has been lingering in the back of my mind for 2 weeks now. When I say “feel God moving me”, I’m talking- I’m tearing up as I write this first paragraph.
A few Sunday’s ago I wrote a praise report about how well the blog has been doing since October of last year. I told about how I talk with God at the first of the month and set my goals with him and how he has come through each month. Not only reaching the goal but surpassing it. How I would look at the analytics and be amazed at how he is working in my life. Literally the next day -my numbers plummeted.

Let me explain how blog posts work. I get the majority of my traffic from Pinterest, most bloggers do. I have had 3-5 blog posts that went viral, which means I was getting thousands of people from Pinterest pinning a blog and people all around the world were seeing it and clicking on it to read. For all those viral blog posts ( ten thousand and more views a month) to suddenly stop in one day is quite frankly odd. I can see one or two slowing down – but dropping by tens of thousands is something to ponder on.
The first week of April, I thought ok…the Lord is going to come in and show me how mighty he is and we are going to hit those goals. Day after day I could feel my faith start dwindling. I would have thoughts like, well, 40K views a month is still really good. Then I would catch myself and say, No Beverly – this is a test of faith. Because I truly believe God can do all things. And the Bible tells me if we ask and believe, it shall be given to us. If 2 or more agree in his name, it so shall happen! I believe that 200%!

Do I feel the devil is breathing down my neck? Oh Lord YES! Tania from 50 Is Not Old, text me Saturday morning and we talked for over an hour and a half. Of course, we talked about her trip, Rodan+Fields, our lives, and blogging. She always has such great insight and fires me up again – she has become a sister that I can confide in and definitely has been placed in my life by God. After our long talk, I did feel better – but still in the back of my mind think this is a spiritual thing. I may be wrong, but I am leaning towards this because the devil has fought me so hard in my life – I know he’s not giving up and leaving me alone! Nor will he leave you alone either.
Luke 17:6, Jesus tells His disciples, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you.” By using the uncommonly small mustard seed as an example, Jesus is speaking figuratively about the incalculable power of God when unleashed in the lives of those with true faith.

I LOVE the scripture I just posted and I love the incalculable power of God and what He can do when we have true faith. People say to speak what you want and it has power. The Bible says there is life and death in the tongue. We know that if we belittle and abuse our spouse, children, etc. with words that constantly put them down – they are prone to believe it and therefore it becomes real.
So, I wanted to confront this issue that has perplexed me and call it out. I want to have faith like God wants us to have. I want to obey the Lord and I want to be able to fight spiritually against the forces of evil. Even if it is over a blog, obviously this blog has brought many Christian women together and that is never what the devil would want to happen. I truly believe that we all have things in our lives that can bring doubt and it can creep in and it can waiver our faith. I’m stripping down and letting you girls in on this struggle I am having spiritually. I know I can talk to you girls and most of you understand exactly what I am talking about. Others may think I’m a “Jesus freak”, and you know what…I sure AM!!! Without Him, I would be dead right now, without Him, my child would be dead, without Him I cannot function daily. So YES…I will lean of God and I know He has his hand on my life – every part of my life.
One of my favorite songs is, “I Can’t Even Walk Without Him Holding My Hand.” There is truth in that song, I learned how to stand down on my knees. This may be a test, it may be the devil fighting against a Christian speaking out about God. It could be a variety of things, whatever the reason -I will not falter. Ladies, if you are going through something and your faith has been shaken – I KNOW EXACTLY how you feel. I know the struggle, the inner fight, how worry creeps in. Stop!!!!

Trust in the God that made the Earth, Trust in the God who has never left your side, Trust in the God that loved you so much that he gave his life so that you may have everlasting life. Believe that you are his child, and just like we want to see our children succeed and we would help them any way we can – so will GOD! He knows your struggles, he knows your hurt, he knows the obstacles in your life. Do not let doubt sneak its way into your life. That is the devil trying to steal your blessing! I have a lot of Christian girlfriends that follow the blog and I know you pray for me and my family and I want you to know that I call your name out in prayer also. I am thankful for each and every one of you. You have impacted my life in such a huge manner. I cannot express my gratitude for your friendships!

God promised in His word things that can be hard for us to believe, but ladies – we are all on this blog for a reason. You girls prayed for my daughter, you have prayed for me and I pray for you all. I think we may just scare the devil a tad bit! Though we may be states apart, or even countries apart, we are connected through this blog and us ladies can take advantage of Matthew 18:19.
Matthew 18:19 – “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.”
Ladies – this is a powerful scripture that can be invoked because God cannot lie. So today, I am asking that we comment below ( just an “I have a need”) and we ladies of faith can start our own Sunday prayer chain. We can be used by God for people all over the United States and even the world – all through a little conservative fashion blog. I feel like there are women out there that can use some other women praying for them. We all come from different walks of life, but we all are human, and wouldn’t it be nice to get to heaven and someone walks up to you and say – I am HERE because YOU Gave to the Lord!
Thank you for stopping by the blog, thank you for your comments, and thank you for your friendships! I talk to some of you girls every day and have come to look forward to hearing about your lives.
You ladies have a great day!! I want you to see that everything is not rosy in my life, I have fears, doubts and struggle with faith at times too. But, the one thing I know—-praying women are a force! I grew up watching the women in my church pray with and for each other and I still believe he hears and moves today – just as much as he did back in our younger days sitting in church. God bless you ladies!! Please comment below and know that I commit myself to agree with you and I will be praying for you. No matter if it is a small thing or a life-changing thing. That’s what Love is all about! XOXO

Terri Brooks
I wish I had your faith. For months I prayed harder than I ever had in my life for my son. My prayers were not answered. I lost my way with the lord. 5 years later still trying to find him.
Oh Terri, I’m so sorry!! I don’t know the details of your story, but know that I will be praying for you daily!! ❤️
Yep, cup of coffee in hand and I loved your little coffee cup icons! Beverly I am feeling your heavy heart this morning regarding the blog. Because I don’t understand how this technology all works, it seems very strange that it would drop off so dramatically so to me it seems like it would be a technical glitch of some kind. I have been where you are and many times saying that the devil is “testing me”, whether it is in our farming operation, our kids jobs, their everyday lives and even the grand kids. I want to say to you, please don’t get discouraged with the numbers because you are enjoying what you are doing, you have put a lot of time and effort into your blog AND…some of us have just found you to follow. I guess I don’t understand why if that many people started following you, it just suddenly stopped…again I feel like it is a tech issue. I’m thinking that you have a lot on your mind the last week and a little out of routine with having your granddaughter spending some days with you and then your daughter becoming ill, I believe your emotions just came to a head last night and you felt broken by the numbers you weren’t seeing. You are a strong lady and you are not going to let the last couple of weeks with numbers bring you down. Just keep doing what you are doing because you are not one to let the devil steal your blessing. So “I have a need” and pray that God will continue to listen to prayers and answer them in HIS time and not mine. I continue to pray for you Beverly because I too feel like I have found a new friend even though we are miles apart. Sometimes I feel like this is like the TV show “The Voice” where you chat with us daily but have no idea what we look like on the other side of the computer! HUGS to you that you don’t let this weigh you down and that you keep doing what you are loving and those numbers will be back to meet your goals. We are off to church and then lunch with hubby’s sister, BIL and his folks.
Amen Sandy!! Oh I’m not going to let this get me down. Tania says her numbers fluctuate like that too!! The blog is definitely a calling the Lord has given me and I’m going to continue on. I wanted to show that in big things and little things we can hand things over to God and trust him!! I believe my “goal “ will still be met this month. Lol!! Tania did warn me that it slows down from April to July quite a bit, because our traffic does come from Pinterest mainly. And people are out having fun in the summer, so I know what to expect and I know posts that go viral do slow down – but all of them at one time ? Lol. My numbers are still very very good!! And my following continues to grow and come to think about it my ads on my blog have produced very very well!! You’ve made me think about this thing and see where God is blessing me in more areas!! Praise Jesus girl!! Love you!!!! I will be praying for your need!! Hugs!! Thanks for the uplifting words!!!
Beautiful post. Thank you.
Thank you Leanne!!!❤️
You are brave to bear your soul and fears to us. I applaud your courage and commitment to your faith. It encourages me with mine. I too have many doubts and certain areas of my life that need changing. Your prayers for me would be greatly appreciated. My mom is member of a prayer group at her church and so many times I’ve asked her to pray for myself, friends, or someone I know that’s in need. And I’ve seen miracles happen that I’m convinced came about because of those prayers. God Bless You, Beverly. You’re a sincere and kind person and I’ve not even met you! But I feel it and hear it in your words. Keep doing what you do. You never know who you may touch or reach with your faith and that may be God’s plan for you. Only He knows.
Wow Johnna!! Thank you for those words!! I feel the same about you-I haven’t met you, but I feel like I’ve known you forever. A lot of bloggers show the good side of this type of work and only “perfect” pictures of life and family. I love showing the good side, but the reality is there is all sides to the business, our lives, etc. if I can help one person, then I will be happy! Not to mention, look at all you ladies I have become friends with. I’m a winner !! Lol. Happy Sunday!!
Like Tania, you keep it real. That’s the reason I follow you both. And are the only ones I follow. You’re doing good!
Awe!! Thank you Johnna!! You made my day girl!! Lol
Kelly Palmer
I am just now getting the opportunity to sit down and read today’s blog and respond. It has been a good but very busy weekend. Please don’t despair about the lower numbers. As I was reading your blog post tonight I felt in my spirit that you are exactly where the Lord intends for you to be right now! Satan is feeling threatened because you are sharing your faith with others that may not otherwise hear about Christ and what it means to have a relationship with Him and find salvation through Him. I know in my heart that it is a God thing that I found your blog and I thank God for the friendships that we are forming and nurturing here! I too “have a need” and thank you so much for remembering me in your prayers 🙂 Keep on doing what you are doing and putting Him first and it will all work out just the way that he has planned for us! Love and prayers to you my friend!!
Kelly, when I read your comment I literally got chill bumps ( we call them Holy Ghost chill bumps)!! That was an affirmation that I needed. I know numbers go up and down and blog posts go viral then fade out, and I know this is where God wants me. I am so blessed to have all of you girls. Thank you my sweet friend!! God just used you!! I will be praying for you. Hugs!!!!
Kelly Palmer
Wow, I always get Holy Ghost chill bumps too as affirmation from the Lord! 🙂
I could reach through this phone and hug you lol