Starting to Declutter My Home
If you’re like most busy moms, your house may need a declutter session. Honestly, I don’t think my house has ever been so disorganized. It gets so overwhelming at times, I don’t want to even look at what lies beneath. I see things that need to be cleaned or re-organized and think…Meh…I will get that later. I’m a tired mom and I’m not about to get on my blog and tell you, ladies, I have everything together. I don’t!

For the past month, I have complained and nagged about the clutter in our home. I am not a one-woman squad that cooks, cleans the house, works out of the home, tries to work out, and be where I am needed for not just my immediate family, but my mom and siblings too. I can’t do everything by myself. (Gosh, that wore me out proofreading this LOL)
I want my house to be neat and tidy and everything in its own little spot. In reality, I’m wondering how a pile of jackets or “junk” got laid on a bench or the back of the couch…it wasn’t there yesterday???!!! So don’t think that all these bloggers have it going on and their homes are magazine ready…total MYTH! And there is no such thing as a perfect mom. We are all just trying to muddle through and keep the kids fed and not in the hospital!

So, as the new year is starting to roll in, I have decided that this is going to be the year of change! I’m going to declutter this house and organize it like I see it in my mind. And let me tell ya, my mind sees not one speck of dust, not one thing out of place, floors shining and bathrooms looking Pinterest perfect. Gah, I wish I could live in that space! LOL!!
I started looking into different ideas and techniques into getting my house more organized and thought I would share my finds with you girls.

Give Away or Donate Any Clothes You Have Not Worn in a Year.
This one hits home for me, I am a clothes hoarder! I have clothes packed up in bins upstairs from 10 years ago or further back. It seems every season I am buying a new wardrobe. Plus being a fashion blogger I seem to accumulate more clothes than I need. So this one will be a hefty chore, but it must be done! ( I even have my kids clothes from when they were little…and they are all over the age of 18 now and have kids of their own! Eeekkk!!!). Oh, BTW, as kids get older they get messier for some reason, are your kids like that??

The Floor Should Only Have Furniture On It
Toys, stacks of newspapers and magazines — anything on the floor should be put away or tossed out each day. Having bare, unoccupied floor space gives every room a more open, airy, and less cluttered look. This is not a huge issue for us, but this does help give the appearance of being cleaner and more organized. I have a basket for the dog’s toys sitting in a corner of our house and a big basket we put blankets and throws in. Everyone loves to grab a blanket and wrap up in it…making sure they fold it up and put it back is another story!
Take One Room At a Time
Fill one trash bag of junk from anywhere in the house. Then, toss or donate it. I don’t know any of my friends who don’t have a “junk” drawer somewhere in their home. I feel like I have a hundred of them! I’m going to be taking one room at a time and trashing any and everything that I have no clue what it is or where it belongs. Just this morning, I was looking in a drawer and found lids for cups and Lord only knows how many keys I found in there. Where did these keys come from and what do they go to?GEEZ!

Linen Closet Duty
Our linen closet has seen better days! I know good and well I fold all the sheets and linens and put them in their own little spot and go back the next day and I see a big ball of a sheet. What happened overnight? I feel like my kids take the sheets and ball them up just to get a laugh at my expense. The best way to handle this area is to take everything out, refold it and restock. I have found that using cubes to put the sheets in has helped out, as long as other members of the home aren’t trying to sabotage your hard work! Also, I have recently started putting the entire set of sheets inside of a pillowcase. This way everything is right there together. Cubes are great for washcloths and hand towels too.
The Bedroom
Take everything out of all of your drawers. If you haven’t used it, read it, or worn it in a year, donate it. If it doesn’t belong in the bedroom, put it in an “elsewhere” bin (and put the collected items in their rightful places when you’re finished). This coincides with the first task on my list.
Use the Space Underneath Your Bed
Every time we buy a new comforter set, I always save the plastic zip up bag it comes in. I use these to put quilts and other items in underneath our beds. I have found that when I swap out my shoes from Summer to Fall, those tennis shoes and flip flops fit right in those bags and are easy to get to if needed. These plastic bags are great for sweaters and winter scarves also.

This will be what I try to accomplish the first week or so in 2019. Tackling the kitchen, bathrooms and the garage is another blog post. So get ready to toss out some plastic or old Tupperware containers…the ones with NO lids! What happens to the LIDS??? Look for this post coming in the next week or so.

Enjoy the rest of your day and I hope to see you pop back on the blog tomorrow. I am off to the gym with my hubby, I’m starting to get back in the hang of working out…the first few days nearly killed me! LOL
Be sure to follow along on Pinterest, Facebook, or my favorite –Instagram!!

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