Let Your Light Shine
This morning as I woke up and rolled over, the light was coming in the window and illuminating my bedroom, I rubbed my eyes and thanked God for another day. I heard little footsteps running down the hall in a hurry to get to Paw Paw and it hit me just how blessed we really are. We don’t live a lavish lifestyle, in fact, sometimes it seems like there is more month than money, but we never go without. I hear giggles and laughter echoing from one end of the house to the other and it makes me smile on the inside and grateful for the days God has given me on this Earth.
I’ve seen death come to members of my family at a very young age, where they will never experience the things I have in this life. They will never have a child, nor know the love a parent has for their child, fall in love and get married, nor work their way up in a business to achieve Earthly goals and dreams. Their lives were cut short, their lights will never shine as a human on this Earth again. So, when I measure my life against what God has allowed me to have and enjoy and those that have gone on before me at such a young age- I feel I have an obligation to get up each day and shine with a bright light and bring positivity to this world that we live in.
Each day as I leave my house and head out to my job, I am reminded this is another day – a new day – and I have been blessed to enjoy and live in this day. When I walk into my place of work, I try every day to walk in with a smile and greet each employee each and every time I pass them. Each customer that walks by me, my intention is to speak to them, smile and be helpful, show each person I come across each day that they are important to me – not a shadow in a store, not a number on my blog, not just another customer or just another sale. They are human beings that read my blog, buy products from me, trust me to be honest with them in every aspect. How can I let my light shine to each one of you? How can I let you know how important you are to me? How do I let each person that comes across my blog know that I’m a genuine person and not another “follow me so I can make money” person?
The only way I know how to do that is to be the “true” me. I love to smile and make jokes, I like to play and tease and have fun while I’m working. I don’t know any other way to be than to be ME. God put me in this line of work for a reason, so I must be authentic and genuine. I want Him to shine through me each and every day, that is the only way I know how to let my light shine. One thing I do know, I have NEVER seen an ornery person let anything shine but a foul mood. No one wants to be around negative Nancys! In fact, I’d be willing to bet, when you see one of those ornery people coming towards you, you take a deep breath and try to hide from them. hahaha (I know you girls know a few of those types of people – talk about a buzz kill!!!) Positive energy attracts people, happy people attract people – so let your light shine folks!
You are a light, a perfect being made by the hands of God. He thought of you long before you were ever born. He watches over you and He will always be by your side. He has a love for us that we cannot comprehend, so no matter what goes on in your life – you must remember that you are Blessed and you are Special. God has winked at you and smiled down from Heaven to proclaim you are his child. You are an heir to the Throne of God – no matter what this world throws at you-you are His. For one day, whether it be on Earth or in Heaven, you will see YOU are an overcomer and a conqueror. Go shine your light each day – for many are called, but few will answer. Many are only on this Earth for a few years, you are blessed with each passing day that you breathe – a day that can be used to shine brightly. Let Your Light Shine! Don’t hide your light – shine brightly for all the world to see, so that you bring happiness to another’s life. You are chosen – be the GOOD in someone’s day!! I have promised myself that I will do this each day, no matter what is going on – I will make a promise that I will shine bright – if not all day – at least a portion of the day!! We all can do this!!! And in each passing day, this will become routine and soon you /me will be shining bright for all the world to see!! XOXO
God Bless All My Friends and Followers!
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