My Fat Loss Journey
Happy Saturday!! I am really going out of my comfort zone today and showing Before & After Pics from my FASTer Way To Fat Loss Journey so far. I have gotten very good over the years learning how to hide those extra pounds from bouncing up and down with weight. I never really struggled with weight issues until I hit 45, then WHAM! Boy did it get hard! I could drop weight easy in my 30’s and early 40’s, but hitting 45 really did a number on me. It was hard…and I didn’t like it one bit!
I am tall and stayed busy most of my adult life and always stayed thin. If I gained a few pounds I could skip some meals, do Weight Watchers for a few months and I was back down to where I always have been. Hitting 45 and not working out like I was, really took a toll on me. I could not understand what I was doing that was wrong – skipping meals and counting points worked before. Why wasn’t it working now? Read on to find out…
My Fat Loss Journey
Ok ladies, I know you have read my blog posts where I have spoken briefly about FASTer Way To Fat Loss. Honestly, I am so glad I took the chance with this program – for once something actually worked and it’s something that is “doable” and I can maintain. I was a HUGE skeptic and it took months before I finally gave in and signed up.
What I found out is that I have been starving myself and not eating the right amount of foods. I was eating processed foods, not getting enough protein, too many bad carbs, and a LOT of fat! Needless to say, I was losing muscle while I was “dieting” and although I could lose weight on the scales, my body looked worse than it did before I “dieted”. Anyone else been in that spot? Oh, I am now eating more food than I ever have and I LOVE it!!! Food is no longer the enemy! This program teaches you how to get your body to burn fat as fuel, instead of the sugars you are taking in daily. They teach you this through carb cycling and intermittent fasting.
A new round of FWTFL is starting Monday and if you are looking to lose fat, get healthy, learn what foods to eat…even if you don’t want to exercise or if you do – this could be what you are looking for. I did not start working out like I should until I was between my 3rd and 4th week. I seriously woke up one morning and felt like I had shed an entire bulge off my stomach overnight -that’s when I started walking and working on the machines at the gym. I was pumped!
I know a lot of you say you didn’t think I needed to lose anything, but the truth is – I hid it!!! I carried my weight right in the midsection (and I have skinny legs – that is not a blessing ladies lol) and I hated it!! I turned at an angle for pictures, I wore clothes to camouflage my issues, I wore even bigger clothes to hide my issues. I haven’t worn a belt in 9 months until now! Me being tall did not hurt either – I automatically can hide extra pounds. I never intended anyone to see my Before and After pictures – only me! I hopped out of bed the morning I started and snapped a few pics – not a pretty sight, but I keep it real with you girls LOL!! Below are my before and after pics, you can see I dropped the mid-section weight in these pics. Jeans can hide these bulges and shapewear can hide it, but I knew it was there. Guess what? After just 6 weeks, I now have a flatter stomach and no more side hip bulges! (Why do we gain weight in weird areas??)
If interested, click HERE and read more about the FWTFL!! Good luck and you will be so glad you did!!
You girls have a great Saturday!! thanks for stopping by the blog and I will see you on the blog tomorrow!! Stay safe!
Be sure to follow along on Pinterest, Facebook, or my favorite –Instagram!!
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Kelly Palmer
Good morning! I am so glad that you have been making such great progress on your weight loss journey and that you are feeling better about yourself. Just know that we think that you are beautiful inside and out! 🙂 Have a wonderful Saturday!!
I agree Kelly. She is beautiful inside and out.
Awe wow. Thank you guys!!!
Awe!! Thank you Kelly!!! You are one beautiful person too!! ❤️❤️
Congrats on your progress and for being brave enough to show the world before and after photos. I’m even afraid to post a half way decent picture on facebook. I’m small and never really had a weight problem but when you hit that “certain age” the pounds don’t go away like they used to and all of a sudden it’s like, “what is going on with my body?!” This program obviously takes commitment and I struggle with that sometimes. But I’m sure after seeing the initial results you are pumped to keep going. Thanks for this info. I have some people who will be very interested in it as well. Healthy weight loss is hard to find among all the “spam” diets you hear about. This looks doable and healthy.
Johnna that is my biggest problem too is commitment and tracking. I start out good for about a week and then….goes downhill from there. You are right about hitting a certain age and asking those questions as I too never had to worry about my weight. Menopause is harder on a body then I ever realized it would be. I try to keep telling myself that there a a lot of women that would be happy to switch bodies with me but I still struggle with the changes that have taken place. We just need to hang in there 🙂
I have the same problem. I can’t track!! On this program you are in a Facebook group and you have to screenshot your day and send it to your coach. And to be honest, I spent $199 on learning this program I was making sure I got something out of it. Once I learned it, I was good to go!! It did help having a personal coach to go to for questions.
You are exactly right!!! Johnna I honestly cannot believe I posted this lol. But, a lot of women struggle with weight so I figure I could at least show what my experience was. You’re right about the fad diets. And the age thing—ugggg
Beautiful you before and after ! But I am one that completely understands that it doesn’t matter what other people tell us or how they see us…WE each have to be happy in our own bodies and we will do or try anything to make that happen until we do find what works for us. I am so glad that you found this program helpful and that after all your hard work you are feeling good with what you have gained in knowledge and what you have lost in inches through this program. Keep on keeping on ! Hope you had a fun date night last night. The rain did bring hubby in from the field so we quickly got ready and used our gift certificate for a nice supper out (most probably refer to the evening meal as dinner…LOL) We lucked out with just a little rain so I think we are going to be able to get back in the field by noon. It’s a beautiful morning and my walk outside was so gorgeous. Any time you want to relive those tractor rides, please stop by 🙂
Lol!! I miss living out in the country!! It’s hard work but it’s so worth it. Glad you guys had time to grab supper together. Happy Saturday!!!