• Blog,  Fashion

    Casual Outfits Tuesday & What I Wore!

    Good Tuesday morning girls! It has been a little busy this week getting back in the swing of things after the holiday. I have some really cute outfits to post this week, so keep an eye out! I wanted to share some outfits that I wore and put on social media that were very popular, plus some items from the…

  • Blog,  Fashion

    Over The Knee Boots For Date Night

    Hello Tuesday! Yesterday was such a nice day to be outside and get things done. We got a few things done, but the old “my way” and “his way” took over so we had to stop, regroup and decided I would finish this project today. YAY!..NOT YAY! I think as a Mom, I know what I want, how I want…

  • Blog,  Fashion

    Olive Moto Jacket + Skinny Cargo Pants

    Happy Monday! It’s back to the lovely world of work – Uggg! Those weekends are going by faster and faster it seems like. I spent last week taking a few days checking out some popular stores and boy did I send some trends that were huge! Have you noticed how popular Moto Jackets are right now? From leather to knit,…