From The Beginning There Were Red Flags
It was a normal January night and I was in Mom mode, but a chance meeting was about to turn my life in a direction I never saw coming. Stars filled the night sky, the weather was perfect, and I was loading one child up in the SUV and on my way to pick up my oldest child from his…
Coffee & Girl Talk
Happy Sunday morning ladies! Another week has passed and it will soon be Valentine’s Day – WOW, time needs to stop! Speaking of Love Day, do you ladies go out to eat or do anything “big” for Valentine’s Day? I am curious, Barry and I used to go all out with the holiday and as time went by all that…
Signs of a Toxic Relationship and a Little of My Story
I thought long and hard over the past four or five days about what I would write about next and as I would read me Facebook news feed I see the same thing over and over….people who are hurt, people getting cheated on, people thinking they found love one week and in two weeks they hate each other….friends going at…