• Blog,  Fashion

    Loft Try-On Haul

    Happy Saturday ladies! The weekend is here and for a lot of people, it’s a long weekend! With a long weekend comes SALES! I was running errands yesterday and stopped in The Loft Outlet to see what kind of new arrivals they had and thought I would share. The Loft is having a sale of 40% off your order (shop…

  • Blog,  Fashion

    Night Out – Styling A Maxi Dress

    Happy Saturday friends! What a week we have had, it feels like a Sunday to me. Being at the beach has really messed my days up! Although, I have thoroughly enjoyed relaxing and having no responsibilities! I miss the kids and the Princess Ziva (the Goldendoodle). I am ready to get home and see everyone, but I’m a little worried…

  • Fashion

    Ruffle Top + White Shorts

    Happy Tuesday everyone! I’m not even going to lie, I am tired today…Brooklyn has worn me out girls. I have come to the realization that I am no longer 30 cause I am feeling it today! I also wanted to catch you up on the FWTFL diet plan, I am still doing great and have come to realize that Inwas…

  • Blogging,  Fashion,  Hair

    Casual Weekend Outfit Ideas

    Good afternoon ladies!! It’s getting close to Christmas and it’s RUSH time! I don’t know about you guys, but we are still buying Christmas presents. This has got to be the slackest we have ever been about being prepared at Christmas. Honestly, it feels like it’s November and I still have a month to shop. When in reality, I have…