Hurricane Flo is a WHOA!!!

Hey ladies!

I hope everyone is doing ok, considering we just had a hefty hurricane come through and still coming! You guys know I’m from NC and a lot of my followers are in NC, SC and surrounding states – so I first want to say I am in prayer for all of you. My heart and prayers go out to everyone, especially those on our coast and at the SC beaches. This was one gigantic hurricane and boy did it have an impact. The first major hurricane that I remember was Fran, I was 26 years old and never (that I know of) went through a hurricane before. After Fran it seemed they were popping up every year.I  tried to prepare for the worst, but was hoping for the best.  I wasn’t expecting no electricity, but I soon found out just how much I like having power! OH MY GAH!!!!!!!!!! Guys – the sticky, sweaty humid air in our house is unbearable! And cold showers are for the birds!! I did manage to put on a face though lol!!

We got all our supplies and snacks, etc…the snacks were gone by Friday night – thanks kids! Candles and lanterns were everywhere, and we soon found out how to be inventive – we all had to use our brains for once. My jeep has been running nonstop, keeping the phones and laptops running – but the one thing I wanted was coffee and OMG – starting my day with no java SUCKED! Girls, when you are used to kicking back in the morning with coffee and you have no way of getting it- Eeeekkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Talk about being in a bad mood! Poor Barry, I made sure I stayed away for awhile..hahahaha

It’s about 1:30pm here now and I’m still craving a cup – so I have to figure out how I’m going to get that! I’ve ate PB&J sandwiches till I’m sick of them, but you know what? We are all safe and that’s what matters. We did lose our fence and about 100- 150 shingles off our home, but that’s ok too! The branches in our yard is truly eye opening, when we looked out into our neighborhood last night, it seemed as if our house was the only one on the block that had debris in it. Our cars were covered with leaves, sticks and limbs – and everyone else’s yard looked so neat.hahaha That’s ok though, I keep seeing the images of the horrific flooding down at the waterways, I can’t fathom that type of devastation. I look at those images and I thank God above for his mercy!

I just wanted to touch base with all of you, I’ve had quite a few message to see if we were ok. So I thought I would drop a line and tell you guys what has happened, and to let you know we are all in prayer for you! Carolina Strong!! Highly Favored! Blessed Abundantly!


Be Safe ladies and God Bless!!

Praise Him in the Midst of the Storm!!



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